The Limited Times

Wasps are attacking again: you can use this ingenious trick to keep the scavengers away

8/26/2020, 4:37:23 AM

In late summer they like to buzz our plates again: wasps. If you are terrified of being stung, you should try this simple trick.

In late summer they like to buzz our plates again: wasps. If you are terrified of being stung, you should try this simple trick.

Where wasps still find a lot in nature in spring and midsummer, the food sources dwindle in late summer. As a result, the insects fly more and more to our plates and devour sausage salad, orange juice and bee stings. Scare away wasps with wild hand movements, however, does not have the desired effect. On the contrary, this only increases the risk of being stung.

Why you should never scare away wasps this way

The State Association for Bird Protection in Bavaria (LBV) has published some tips that actually keep the small insects at a distance and effectively prevent bites. According to the LBV, wasps are not aggressive outside of their nesting area - unless they feel cornered or pressed . Blowing on wasps also puts them on alert: the air they breathe contains carbon dioxide, which makes them panic.

In order not to attract wasps in the first place, food outside should be covered and leftover food immediately cleared away. Everything that smells delicious attracts them, which is why small children's mouths should be wiped after eating. Even a sweet-smelling perfume can attract wasps .

More about : pool season: To fight back against annoying wasps & Co .

This simple trick is guaranteed to get rid of wasps

But what helps against the little pests? The LBV has a simple, yet effective tip: Use a spray bottle with water ! If wasps come too close, it helps to wet them with a few puffs of water: They will think that it is starting to rain and will fly back to their nest.

Survey on the subject

Also read : Study reveals: This is why you are constantly being bitten by mosquitoes - and others are not.


Bloodthirsty pests: Little mosquito customer

Bloodthirsty pests: Little mosquito customer

List of rubric lists: © picture alliance / dpa / Karl-Josef Hildenbrand

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