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Astrology: What Luck | Israel today

8/27/2020, 9:28:12 PM

The buckets will have a hard time correcting mistakes, the archers will face social problems • Forecast for 03.09.2020-28.08.2020 | You sat down

The buckets will have a hard time correcting mistakes, the archers will face social problems, and for whom is it time to stay alert? • Astrological forecast for the week between 03.09.2020-28.08.2020

Virgin August 23 - September 22

Try to maneuver between your independence and the various commitments. It will be clear to you that you are not giving up the framework as your basis, but at the same time you will do everything, including maneuvering the schedule, to maintain your individuality. On Friday and Saturday you will discover openness to social experiences and try to incorporate elements that you had a hard time accepting. In the first and second, you will deal with issues that require order and organization. Everything will have to be accurate, and you will have a hard time maneuvering. It's better to wait a bit. On Tuesday afternoons, Wednesdays and Thursdays, your confidence will rest on family support. The spouse will come to an agreement with you from a place of emotional understanding.

Libra September 23 - October 23

You are in an ongoing process of separation or emotional disconnection. The feeling of uncertainty will affect your decisions and you will have a hard time formulating collaborations. On Friday and Saturday you will reject commitments and maintain social distance as well as emotional distance. In the first and second you will already participate in social gatherings, but your choice will be to rub as little as possible. Financially, it's time to stay alert, maybe a new factor will emerge that will promote you financially. On Tuesday afternoons, Wednesdays and Thursdays you will face very complex situations at work. Pay attention to planning and set precise goals for yourself because you will not be able to correct mistakes. 

Scorpio October 24 - November 21

The decision to compete for your independence may take a toll on you on quite a few levels in your life, but especially in the marital relationship. Once you release steam and feel in control, you may find a way to cooperate. On Friday and Saturday your expression will be at its best and you will enjoy getting out of the routine. A meeting may develop beyond your expectations. In the first and second, in the sessions, a sense of trust will immediately be created. Family-wise, a trip may strengthen your sense of belonging while openness will help you solve small problems. On Tuesday afternoons, Wednesdays and Thursdays you will choose to refresh yourself in some social setting, you will feel liberated and rejuvenated.

Rainbow November 22 - December 21

The emphasis now will be on social experiences. Despite the good atmosphere, you will need to avoid over-involvement and stay away from gambling. On Friday and Saturday you will face social difficulties. Your choice will be to stay alone or spend time with a close friend, someone who has always made it easy for you to talk to. Economically, try to think of how you can become more efficient. In the first and second you will look for a way to change the agenda. Avoid grandiose plans - you will have a hard time implementing them all, probably because of glitches. On Tuesday afternoons, Wednesdays and Thursdays you will feel uneasy. The emotional side will come into play and you will understand that there is no substitute for family.

Capricorn December 22 - January 20

Experience a lack of flow in relationships and ask yourself why every little thing annoys you, and if you should not restrain yourself, at least for now. On Friday and Saturday you will be required to cooperate with family members. Although the timing may not be right for you, prove your loyalty and surprise yourself in the way you compromise on things. In the first and second you will have a hard time keeping your hands in your pockets, although it is now important to avoid unnecessary expenses. Blur the way you spend money, especially when the expense is on something you do not need. On Tuesday afternoons, Wednesdays and Thursdays original thinking will help you regenerate in the professional field. 

Bucket January 21 - February 18

A mental arithmetic that you will conduct now will help you break free from the moods that have characterized you in recent times. Socially, you will have the opportunity to open up to a new circle of people, but not ones with whom you can embroider long-term plans. On Friday and Saturday you will deal with organization, order and cleanliness. Keep planning, as you will have a hard time correcting mistakes. In the first and second, in the sessions, the screens will disappear in a short time and a positive dynamic will develop between the participants. On Tuesday afternoons, Wednesdays and Thursdays tensions can affect personal relationships. Although you will have a hard time being in control, your strong need for privacy will help you set boundaries.

Fish February 19 - March 20

You want everything to be perfect, but sticking to details, which is definitely not your strong suit, will hold you back. Give luck a chance. On Friday and Saturday, extraordinary social experiences are expected, ones that will help you enjoy after a period that is not easy at all. Just pay attention to expenses, you may have a hard time maintaining control. In the first and second, if you are planning a trip, you will need to maintain flexibility and perhaps change destination. Socially, you will have a hard time maintaining objectivity. Do not let others influence you. On Tuesday afternoons, Wednesdays and Thursdays you will open up to something new and surprising. Do not hesitate to ask for help, if you feel you need it.

Aries 21 March - 20 April

Some of you will take advantage of the last few days off to freshen up a bit. Recommendation: Do not go on trips, instead prefer a vacation where you can rest, how about a tummy tuck? The main thing is that you can break away from the tasks that are part of the regular agenda. On Friday and Saturday you will feel that the commitments and responsibilities do not allow you to act independently or spontaneously. Interesting meetings are expected on the first and second. Do not look for intimate relationships, so as not to be disappointed. On Tuesday afternoons, Wednesdays and Thursdays you will need to filter the information that will reach you and focus on the work ahead of you so that you can finish and be released towards the end of the week. how fun!

Taurus April 21 - May 20

Everything related to the frameworks of your life will now be examined objectively, including what happens at home and at work, and if you find that there is room for compromise, you will definitely prefer to do so. Friday and Saturday will be very performance days and will be characterized by a tight schedule. Try to get organized and keep planning, it will definitely help you. In the first and second you will have to maintain flexibility towards the system, the family and the children. These will not be at the center, as you will find yourself at the heart of a new situation. On Tuesday afternoons, Wednesdays and Thursdays exposure you will experience will arouse a lot of stress and anger. Try to set boundaries right away, all for the sake of your mental health.

Gemini May 21 - June 21

You have big plans, but reality will get you back on the ground. You will understand pretty quickly that you need to know how to combine your dreams with reality. On Friday and Saturday you will find yourself in the role of counselors. Friends will turn to you to hear your opinion, and even if you advise them, immediately afterwards you will take a distance so as not to be involved in matters not yours. Sunday and Monday will suit the trip, but before that you will find yourself dealing with unresolved issues. On Tuesday afternoons, Wednesdays and Thursdays you will define for yourself what you want to achieve. These will be days of coping when it comes to your status at work, and expect emotional support.

Cancer June 22 - July 22

The family will now be at the center. If you are young, you will get to hug a child, while the adults will get to marry children or enjoy grandchildren. On Friday and Saturday the attempt to do things spontaneously will not succeed. Share with your spouse what you are going through, as part of a system that has trust and loyalty. The first and second money you were supposed to receive will finally come and help you cover your expenses. Try to decide in advance what you want to buy, so that you do not spend the entire amount on nonsense. Emotionally, anger may arise in relationships. On Tuesday afternoons, Wednesdays and Thursdays emotional components will affect your communication. 

Lion July 23 - August 22

Continue to make sound decisions when it comes to your life. Understand that this is the way to deal with reality, even if you have to give up long-term plans. On Friday and Saturday you will decide on a reorganization at work, probably out of coercion. Just make sure you are not exposed to incorrect information, which will make it difficult for you later on. In the first and second spontaneity, which characterizes you as Leo, may this time be expressed in a desire to do things solely according to your understanding. Not all the people around you will accept this matter in proportion. On Tuesday afternoons, Wednesdays and Thursdays you will prefer to go out and participate in social gatherings.

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