The Limited Times

In China, "red is red"

8/27/2020, 7:19:37 PM

The editorial of Le Figaro by Patrick Saint-Paul.“The revolution is not a gala dinner; it is not made like a literary work, a drawing or an embroidery. ” A diligent student, Xi Jinping learned the lesson of Mao Tse-tung. And he implements it with an almost obsessive zeal. If childhood traumas forge the great dictators, Emperor Xi will leave his mark in history. Young Jinping was exiled to the countryside during the Cultural Revolution, while the...

“The revolution is not a gala dinner; it is not made like a literary work, a drawing or an embroidery. ” A diligent student, Xi Jinping learned the lesson of Mao Tse-tung. And he implements it with an almost obsessive zeal. If childhood traumas forge the great dictators, Emperor Xi will leave his mark in history. Young Jinping was exiled to the countryside during the Cultural Revolution, while the Grand Helmsman was "purging" his father, and he has since devoted his life to demonstrating that he was redder than red, to wash away the affront to him. his family.

For the new Helmsman, the dictator's twelve jobs never stop. He acts as Mao commanded. Without "elegance" or "tranquility" , "delicacy", "gentleness", "friendliness", "courtesy", "restraint" or "generosity of soul" . Designed to crush "flies" as well as "tigers" , its anti-corruption campaign had already enabled it to shoot down its main adversaries. From then on, the way was

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