The Limited Times

New crown pneumonia | Central District quarantine male suspected of leaving hotel staff without permission to call for help

8/27/2020, 11:34:12 PM

At 5 o'clock in the morning on Friday (28th), the police received a report from the staff of the Bishop International Hotel, No. 4 Robinson Road, Central District, stating that a man who was undergoing quarantine had left the hotel without authorization. Upon receiving the report, the police rushed to investigate, and temporarily classified the case as "calling the police for assistance." Sources at the scene stated that the man involved only recently began to stay in the hotel for isolation, and was originally scheduled to not leave until early September. When the incident occurred, he went to the counter to check out by himself and left with his luggage.


Written by: Deng Haixing and Huang Weimin

2020-08-28 06:56

Last update date: 2020-08-28 07:19

At 5 o'clock in the morning on Friday (28th), the police received a report from the staff of the Bishop International Hotel, No. 4 Robinson Road, Central District, stating that a man who was undergoing quarantine had left the hotel without authorization. Upon receiving the report, the police rushed to investigate, and temporarily classified the case as "calling the police for assistance."

Sources at the scene stated that the man involved only recently began to stay in the hotel for isolation, and was originally scheduled to not leave until early September. When the incident occurred, he went to the counter to check out by himself and left with his luggage.

New Coronary Pneumonia Quarantine Order

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