The Limited Times

Toulouse: a lawyer forced to remove her bra to enter a prison

8/27/2020, 8:25:19 PM

The deputy director of the Seysse remand center asked Stella Bisseuil to remove her underwear which ringed the security gate.

While on her way to the Seysse (Haute-Garonne) remand center on August 25, Stella Bisseuil, a criminal lawyer, found herself blocked at the security gate at the entrance to the establishment.

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In question, the reinforcements of her bra which make the machine ring. Although she has already taken off her shoes and jewelry, the lawyer is asked by the deputy director of the establishment to remove her underwear, reports La Dépêche. Problem, no space is offered to her so that she can change out of sight.

"Lack of humanity"

"I was not going to undress in front of everyone though ... So I left the prison reception to lock myself in my car, remove my bra before representing myself in front of the security post. to find my client ” an hour late, she testifies to the local daily.

The lawyer, who notably defended the families of victims of the AZF disaster, denounces "a lack of humanity" and "discriminatory and degrading methods" and regrets that no solution has been proposed to her. According to Le Parisien, the lawyer seized the Council of the Bar Association and reported the incident to the President of the Bar of Toulouse and the Comptroller General of places of deprivation of liberty. In 2016 and 2017, two lawyers had also denounced similar facts at Villefranche-sur-Saône (Rhône) and Fresnes (Val-de-Marne) prison.