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Trump a lousy corona manager? First Lady Melania surprises the whole nation - son with questionable appearance

8/27/2020, 8:23:06 AM

At the Republican Congress, family members campaigned for the re-election of the incumbent US president. All information about the Trump show in the news ticker.

At the Republican Congress, family members campaigned for the re-election of the incumbent US president. All information about the Trump show in the news ticker.

  • The US Republicans' party conference began on Monday, August 24 (local time).
  • Members of the Trump family now campaigned for the re-election of the incumbent president during speeches.
  • In our news ticker we will keep you up to date on further developments.

Update from August 26, 4:26 p.m.: The Republican Party Congress is also an important election campaign event for incumbent US President Donald Trump . As part of the event, his family members campaigned for his re-election - surprisingly openly including his wife Melania Trump . But after her speech there was an embarrassing kiss glitch .

The couple has made headlines several times with Donald's unsuccessful advances . This time too, things are not going smoothly in front of the cameras. The president wants to thank his wife for her speech and starts a kiss on the mouth, but she holds out her cheek to him. The result: a slightly uncomfortable moment.


Bad kiss: embarrassing moment for Donald Trump and wife Melania.

© Evan Vucci / AP / dp

US election 2020: Joe Biden's camp accuses the Republicans of staging "alternative reality"

Update from August 26, 2:05 p.m .: The camp of Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden has accused the Republicans of staging an "alternative reality" at their party conference in North Carolina . The picture of America painted there does not know the deaths of thousands of people infected with the coronavirus in the past week, said deputy campaign manager Kate Bedingfield on Tuesday evening after the second day of the Republican nomination party conference. In Republican America, the economy has not stalled and school children are not forced to stay at home.

US Democrats on Donald Trump: "Total Leadership Failure"

"Donald Trump's continued refusal to take this virus seriously has brought the United States the worst outbreak in the world," said a statement from Biden's campaign team after the second of four days of the Republican gathering.

The refusal of the party congress to "come to terms with reality" proves the "utter failure of leadership" of the president. Trump's economic advisor Larry Kudlow only spoke of the corona virus in the past tense. "The American people cannot afford Donald Trump to stick his head further in the sand," criticized Bedingfield. The White House must finally act and should not continue to deny reality.


US President Donald Trump and First Lady Melania Trump

© Evan Vucci / AP / dpa

Party congress before US election 2020: Republicans praise Trump as a doer with "total honesty"

Update from August 26, 11:46 a.m .: On the second day of their party congress , the Republicans made an effort to counter the criticism that US President Donald Trump was dividing the country with his often controversial statements. First Lady Melania Trump said of the undiplomatic nature of her 74-year-old husband: “What we as citizens deserve from our President is total honesty. Like it or not, you always know what he's thinking because he's an authentic person who loves this country and its people. ”She added,“ He's not a traditional politician who just speaks. He demands action and gets results. "

US election 2020: Melania Trump unusually open about the consequences of the corona pandemic

Update of 26 August, 9:22 : Surprisingly open first lady Melania Trump on the impact of Corona crisis spoken in the United States. Right at the start of her speech at the Republican party congress , the first lady spoke about the pandemic * . Since March, the lives of people in the USA have "changed drastically" : "The invisible enemy Covid-19 has passed over our beautiful country and has hit us all," said the President's wife. Many people were worried and felt "helpless". She emphasized: "I want you to know: you are not alone."

In the USA, more than 178,000 people have died as a result of a corona infection, by far the highest number in the world. At the party conference of Trump's Republicans, the suffering caused by the pandemic has so far hardly played a role. Rather, Trump's handling of the pandemic was repeatedly praised: In speeches and videos, the president was portrayed as a determined crisis manager, although critics ascribe Trump a decisive share of responsibility for the extent of the crisis.


With Corona statements, First Lady Melania Trump caused a surprise at the Republican party conference.

© Brendan Smialowski / AFP

Trump a lousy corona manager? First Lady takes a position - President's son makes a questionable appearance

Update August 26th, 6.30 a.m.: First Lady Melania Trump * campaigned for another term of office for President Donald Trump in her address at the Republican convention. "My husband, our family and the people in this government are fighting for you," said the 50-year-old on Tuesday evening (local time) during her appearance in the rose garden of the White House . "He loves this country and knows how to achieve something." Melania Trump emphasized: "I believe that now more than ever we need my husband's leadership."

The First Lady refrained from attacking Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden in her speech . "I don't want to use this precious time attacking the other side," she said. Turning to the Democratic Congress, she added, "As we saw last week, this kind of talk is only to divide the country further."


Melania Trump campaigned for her husband to be re-elected at the Republican Convention.

© afp / Brendan Smialkowski

Trump a bad corona manager? First Lady takes a position at the party conference

Melania Trump expressed her condolences to the relatives of victims of the corona pandemic . She assured her husband's government will not stop fighting until there is an effective vaccine against the coronavirus * for everyone. "Donald will not rest until he has done everything in his power to take care of everyone affected by this terrible pandemic." Critics of the pandemic accuse the president of a lack of compassion for those affected.

- Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) August 26, 2020

In her address, the First Lady also addressed the protests against police violence and racism that were sparked by the death of the African American George Floyd in a brutal police operation in late May. "We need to remember that we are all a community made up of many races, religions and ethnicities," she said.

Party convention of the US Republicans: Trump son makes questionable appearance

Notification of origin (August 26, 6 a.m.):

Washington - President's son Eric Trump has promised Americans that their compatriots will soon fly to Mars - driven by the American spirit. He had "built the skyline of New York City, built the Hoover Dam and he will - under the leadership of my father - send Americans to Mars," said Eric Trump at the Republican Congress , where Donald Trump is a candidate for a second term was nominated.

This American spirit will also "defeat the empty, repressive and radical views of the extreme left in 68 days," said Eric Trump on Tuesday evening. The election on November 3rd * was still 70 days away, as a reporter from CNN noted, among other things.

Trump son promises: "My father will fight for you"

Before his father, no one campaigned for the "silent majority" in the country, said Eric Trump. Both Democratic and Republican politicians before Trump were "more concerned about how they will be received by the elites in Paris than about how Americans will look after their families in Pittsburgh." "My father will fight for you," he said.

"I love you very much!" Said Eric Trump to his father's address. In doing so, he was the first of the Trump children to have spoken to the President personally. "Dad, let's make Uncle Robert proud." Donald Trump's younger brother Robert, whom he called his best friend, died about ten days ago. (lks / afp) * is part of the Ippen network.

In the ARD program "Hart aber fair", Donald Trump's term of office and his prospects were discussed - the exchange of blows almost ended with a veritable scandal.

600 election notifications for the NRW election were discovered in waste paper containers - the suspect has lost his job.

List of rubric lists: © Evan Vucci / AP / dpa

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