The Limited Times

United States: the race question at the heart of the presidential campaign

8/27/2020, 6:58:31 PM

DECRYPTION - After the Wisconsin blunder, Trump is the champion of order against the anti-racists of the Democratic camp.

Special Envoy to Washington

National Guard reinforcements have been deployed to Kenosha, and FBI agents sent from Washington, after days of protests and the death on the night from Tuesday to Wednesday of two demonstrators, killed by a young gunman in this small town of Wisconsin.

Read also: Three months after the death of George Floyd, America in shock from another police blunder

The protests that erupted Sunday evening, hours after a black man, Jacob Blake, was seriously injured during his arrest by a police officer who shot him seven times in the back, quickly turned into a riot. Vehicles and businesses were looted and torched, and protesters shouting anti-racist slogans clashed with police protecting the local court.

Gathered via the social network Facebook and other sites, groups of armed citizens traveled to Kenosha in the following days, under the pretext of protecting businesses from looters and arsonists.

»See also -» United States: in Wisconsin, the demonstrations

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