The Limited Times

Corona skeptics: police officers search a colleague's apartment

8/28/2020, 12:08:14 PM

At a demonstration by Corona skeptics in Dortmund, a police officer questioned the existence of the separation of powers, among other things. Now officials have ransacked his home.

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Demonstration in Dortmund against corona protective measures (archive)

Photo: Fabian Strauch / dpa

The police in Lower Saxony searched the apartment of a colleague on Monday after he appeared as a speaker at two demonstrations by corona skeptics.

In Dortmund, the officer Michael F. introduced himself as chief detective. He called on other police officers to resist Corona measures. He also questioned the existence of the separation of powers in Germany and drew comparisons to the Nazi dictatorship.

In Darmstadt, too, the so-called lateral thinker identified himself as a police officer. After his first appearance, Michael F. was suspended from duty for the time being. The search is in connection with disciplinary proceedings initiated by the Hanover police. In terms of criminal law, the official has apparently nothing to be accused of so far.

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