The Limited Times

Bellocchio, I'm working on a documentary about my family

8/29/2020, 9:28:26 AM

"I'm working on a very personal project, a family documentary entitled" Marx can wait. "The announcement came yesterday evening from the director and screenwriter Marco Bellocchio on the occasion of the Bif & st, the Bari international film festival. (ANSA)

(ANSA) - BARI, AUG 29 - "I am working on a very personal project, a family documentary entitled" Marx can wait. "The announcement came last night from the director and screenwriter Marco Bellocchio on the occasion of the Bif & st, the Bari international film festival. Bellocchio, not physically present but connected in video, was awarded the Mario Monicelli award for best director for the film "Iltraditore".
   Speaking of the projects he is working on, Bellocchio explained that the documentary "starts from Piacenza, from Bobbio and is about my family , on a tragic story that happened to my family. It's a film called 'Marx Can Wait', which is something my brother said in his time. This small, but for me very great film, is already very advanced and I hope to be able to dismiss it soon ".
   But Bellocchio is also working on something else. After the 2003 film "Buongiorno notte" about Aldo Moro's imprisonment, he returns to that story with a six-part TV series that will be called "Esternonotte".
    "At the level of major productions - explains Bellocchio - there is this new experience, 'Outside night', a series in six points about the via Fani massacre, the kidnapping and death of Aldo Moro, over those 55 days. For me it is an experience brand new, for the dramaturgical times of the series and then because of this Italian tragedy we tend to represent what happened outside prison ". In 'Buongiorno notte', which is the story in Moro's cell, almost everything happened in there. Here we are out, there are also other protagonists, Paul VI, FrancescoCossiga, the wife of Aldo Moro, the terrorists, up to its tragic conclusion. For me it's a very different experience from 'Good morning, night', it's like the pitch and the reverse. What I'm doing is the reverse of the camp that was the den where Moro was detained ". (ANSA).