The Limited Times

Closed for legislators, the Buenos Aires Chamber of Deputies organizes a circus show on the premises

8/29/2020, 11:04:25 PM

It is for the month of Children. It occurs while most of the deputies are meeting remotely due to the coronavirus pandemic.

08/29/2020 - 19:51

  • Clarí
  • Politics

The Chamber of Deputies of the province of Buenos Aires surprised in the last hours by announcing a circus show in the venue itself, at a time when it remains closed for most legislators due to the coronavirus pandemic.

This was announced by the body chaired by Fernando Otermín on his Twitter account. As specified, the "show for the whole family" scheduled for this Sunday at 5 pm and that can be seen through its YouTube channel is for the month of Children .

In a short video broadcast on social networks, different clowns can be seen cycling through the Chamber or juggling.


🎪 Tomorrow from 5pm do not miss the show for the whole family of Circus Varieté in the Chamber of Deputies.

💻 Follow him on our Youtube channel ➡

- BA Deputies (@HCDiputadosBA) August 29, 2020

After the publication of the preview, several users showed their rejection . "The Chamber of Deputies is not for clowning", "Was there no other side to do it?", "It is disrespectful" and "They live in a parallel reality" were some of the criticisms.

Although the debates are held in committees, the Buenos Aires deputies met for the last time on August 20, when they approved the project that declares the province's tourism sector in emergency and promotes measures for the sustainability and productive reactivation of this activity.

The initiative, from the legislator of Together for Change, Melisa Greco, was agreed with the rest of the benches and turned to the Senate for treatment. The debate of the project happened with the great majority of the legislators at a distance.

The debate at the national level

In the last hours, the head of the Chamber of Deputies of the Nation, Sergio Massa, called for a session next Tuesday for the sanction of the Tourism Emergency Law -which comes with half sanction from the Senate- and the project against illegal fishing in the Falkland Islands.

The session was requested by the Frente de Todos bench and the two federal interblocks.

"We must resolve yes or yes the situation of those most affected by the pandemic and post-pandemic. To punish illegal fishing is to punish the theft of our resources and defend our sovereignty. I hope that all the blocs sit down to work on these issues, which are key for this moment ”, justified Massa.

Although these are non-conflictive projects, the call for a new session rekindled tension with the Together for Change bloc, which refuses to continue debating virtually and remarks that “there is no agreement reached by the consensus of the Parliamentary Work that propose the extension of the telematic sessions ".

In that sense, they demanded that the President of the Deputies indicate what "health protocol will be adopted to guarantee a face-to-face session, the only modality in legal and regulatory conditions to be held" at this time.

Another surprise visit

The difficult-to-explain presence of clowns in the Buenos Aires Chamber of Deputies joins the visit of Marcos “El Chino” Maidana to the Senate last Thursday. The boxer was photographed walking without a chinstrap through the enclosure and even sat in the chair of the head of the upper house, Cristina Fernández de Kirchner.

Even the native of the Santa Fe city of Margarita held a meeting with the vice president of the Nation. How old are you already? By God, there can't be people that young. It took him 30 years ”, she is heard in a video joking with the former president who, although she kept her distance, then ends up passing in front of him a few centimeters.

Cristina and Chino Maidana, meeting in the Senate.

Maidana's visit to the Senate generated controversy , since it occurred minutes before the virtual debate of the judicial reform project began and that the opposition legislators asked to discuss in person, something that finally did not happen.

Given the risk of contagion of coronavirus and the absence of a protocol, most senators must sit remotely to avoid the concentration of people.

Clowns and controversies

Although it is incredible, this is the second controversy with a clown in less than 15 days. Last Sunday 16, the Ministry of Health was in the spotlight for including the clown "Filomena" in the morning report of the coronavirus.

After reporting 20 new deaths from the disease in the country, the Secretary of Access to Health, Carla Vizzotti, and the Undersecretary of Health Strategies, Alejandro Costa, ended up performing a children's choreography with the clown.

Vizzotti spoke of the "different report" for the "Children's Day " and gave the floor to Filomena, who dedicated a few words to the children of the whole country.

Filomena, from the Vuelta Canela children's group, in the daily report on the coronavirus. (TV picture)

"We are all accompanying those who are in the other areas together so that we can carry this situation forward as well as possible and joy, music and games are health. That is why it seemed important to us to contribute on this particular day this granite of sand in this situation where we also have to have strength and generate antibodies, "said Filomena.

From social networks, the particular conference was the object of harsh criticism with the trend on Twitter #GovernmentDePayasos where users questioned the conference.