The Limited Times

Coronavirus: Argentina, lockdown extended until 20 September

8/29/2020, 9:19:25 AM

On the day the record of coronavirus infections in 24 hours (11,717) was recorded, Argentina announced a new extension of social isolation across the country until September 20. The news agency Telam reports. (HANDLE)

(ANSA) - BUENOS AIRES, AUGUST 28 - On the day the record of coronavirus infections in 24 hours (11,717) was recorded, Argentina announced a new extension of social isolation throughout the country until September 20.
   The news agency Telam reports.
    In a message via social networks, President Alberto Fernández warned of the existence of an expansion of the coronavirus in all Argentine provinces, appealing to "personal responsibility" to avoid the multiplication of infections.
    Confirming the new extension of the individual restrictive measures until September 20, the head of state has however announced that "meetings of up to ten people outdoors" will be authorized.
    Currently - he then stressed - we have 18 provinces in an area of ​​sustained community transmission (of the virus). Therefore, the problem is no longer just in Buenos Aires and its province, but in the whole country. "
    According to the latest report by the Argentine health authorities, in the last 24 hours the 11,717 cases of contagion brought the general budget to 329,009, while for the 222 deaths recorded, the total number of deaths since March has risen to 8,271. (ANSA).