The Limited Times

Italy: three coronavirus-positive migrants attack soldiers in hospital

8/29/2020, 8:31:14 PM

Three Nigerian migrants, discovering that they were positive for the coronavirus, attacked staff at the military hospital in central Rome where they had been admitted, the Italian Ministry of Defense lamented on Saturday. "The attacks in the military hospital are a serious and inadmissible fact" , reacted the Minister of Defense Lorenzo Guerini, welcoming the rapid intervention of the staff of thi...

Three Nigerian migrants, discovering that they were positive for the coronavirus, attacked staff at the military hospital in central Rome where they had been admitted, the Italian Ministry of Defense lamented on Saturday. "The attacks in the military hospital are a serious and inadmissible fact" , reacted the Minister of Defense Lorenzo Guerini, welcoming the rapid intervention of the staff of this establishment transformed into a specialized center for Covid-19.

Read also: Italy no longer wants illegal migrants on its territory

The incident was immediately noted by the leader of La Ligue (far right) and former Minister of the Interior, Matteo Salvini, who spoke of “ bites and beatings” by the migrants, judging that the Italian government “Denied the urgency of the migration issue” and “endangered Italy” .

Transferred to the "Celio" hospital from their reception center for foreigners located south of Rome, two Nigerian women and a man reacted violently Friday evening to the announcement of their positivity, detailed the Italian news agencies Agi and Ansa.

Seeing a young Bangladeshi man freely released from the hospital after testing negative, they tried to escape but were blocked by medical personnel and the military. They are now accused of contempt, resistance, assault and battery against public service personnel.