The Limited Times

Muti's first time at the Ravello Festival is sold out

8/29/2020, 10:59:00 AM

For the first time Riccardo Muti gets on the podium of the Ravello Festival. The concert, sold out, is scheduled for next September 1st (8.30 pm). (HANDLE)

(ANSA) - NAPLES, AUGUST 29 - For the first time Riccardo Mutisale on the podium of the Ravello Festival. The concert, sold out, is scheduled for next September 1st (8.30 pm). It will be then that with his Luigi Cherubini Youth Orchestra, Mutisi will perform in the hall of the Oscar Niemeyer Auditorium.
   The appointment represents one of the events of this 68th edition designed by the director Alessio Vlad. "We must all be grateful to the work that the Maestro in recent years has dedicated to the training of the children who have gradually alternated at the orchestra lecterns, a work that represents one of the most extraordinary musical achievements of our time", the director stressed.
   Muti at the helm of the Cherubini, will perform an articulated program, introduced by Cimarosa's Secret Wedding Overture, continuing with some famous arias of the operatic literature: Donna Anna "Cruel! ... Non mi dir, bell'idol mio" from Mozart's Don Giovanni, Recitative and Romanza Giulietta "Here I am in happy dress ... Oh! How many times, oh how many" from Bellini's Capulets and Montagues and Aria Desdemona "AveMaria" from Verdi's Otello; the solo voice will be that of the Caserta soprano Rosa Feola by now the protagonist of the international scenalirica, endowed with uncommon scenic grace and elegance and a perfect voice in embodying both the most brilliant figures of melodrama and the tragic ones. To close the concert, the Incompiuta by Schubert and the "Sinfonia CharacteristicSpagnola" from I due Figaro by Saverio Mercadante, a work by the composer from Altamura rediscovered thanks to the discovery of the manuscript and brought back to the general public thanks to Maestro Riccardo Muti.
   The concert can also be followed on the large screen set up in Piazza Duomo in Ravello. (HANDLE).