The Limited Times

Obono affair: intrusion at the headquarters of "Valeurs contemporaine"

8/29/2020, 6:04:14 PM

The African Black Defense League broke into the weekly's premises on Saturday. In her latest issue, LFI deputy Danièle Obono is represented there as a slave with chains around her neck.

Guest of BFMTV this Saturday, August 29, Geoffroy Lejeune, publication director of Current Values , indicated that the African Black Defense League had burst into the premises of the newspaper. The weekly classified to the extreme right is under fire of sharp criticism this Saturday, after the publication of a fictitious account of seven pages in which the deputy of France Insoumise Danièle Obono is represented as a slave, with chains around her neck . These illustrations which accompany the story aroused strong reactions within the government, including that of Prime Minister Jean Castex who spoke of a "revolting publication" , but also of the Minister of Justice and the Minister of the Interior.

To read also: The deputy Danièle Obono represented as a slave in "Current Values": the government condemns

Guest of BFMTV this Saturday evening, Geoffroy Lejeune pleaded a misunderstanding: "this fiction had for objective the opposite of what we are accused of (...) it tells a reality (...) which is that of the atrocities of the '18th century slavery (...) committed by Africans on other Africans' . The editor then deplored that the African Black Defense League (LDNA) had intruded on the newspaper's premises.

On its Facebook page, the LDNA, which has distinguished itself in recent months for its activism in favor of the unbolting of several statues, has indeed published a live video of the intrusion of two of its members in the reception hall. of the weekly, apparently empty. We see an activist filming a copy of Valeurs Actuelles and the story in question, denouncing an “incitement to anti-black hatred” and evoking a “ dishcloth” . In the Facebook post sharing the video, the LDNA denounces "state racism" , and invites its supporters to gather on Monday in front of the headquarters of Valeurs Actuelles .