The Limited Times

Police in Europe disperse thousands of protesters against measures to contain Corona

8/29/2020, 8:25:14 PM

Capitals - SANA Police dispersed in several European cities by force today widespread protests against the measures taken to contain

Capitals - Sana

Police in several European cities dispersed by force today widespread protests against the measures taken to contain the outbreak of the new Corona virus and launched several arrests of 300 people in the German capital, Berlin.

In the British capital, London, about a thousand demonstrators gathered in Trafalgar Square and called for what they called “an end to medical tyranny,” while about 300 people gathered in the French capital Paris quietly to denounce the imposition of masks, noting that the measures taken to contain Corona are “measures against freedom and it has no Medical justification ”.

In the German capital, Berlin, about twenty thousand people participated in a protest against the preventive measures taken to contain the Corona virus at the symbolic Brandenburg Gate, but it quickly dispersed by order of the police forces, who arrested 300 people after violent clashes between demonstrators and security forces.

In turn, the police in the German capital justified the dispersal of the demonstration by saying that the minimum distance was not respected despite repeated requests to do so.

Thousands of people in Berlin continued to demonstrate in a gathering that continued without dispersing it, while a group of demonstrators threw stones and water bottles at security forces, who arrested two people, according to the police.

The demonstrators raised flags of peace and Germany and chanted several times, "Merkel must go," which is the slogan of the far-right "Alternative for Germany" party, which opposes German Chancellor Angela Merkel.

The municipality of the German capital banned the organization of the demonstration last Wednesday for "reasons related to public health" because it is impossible in its view to impose distances of not less than one and a half meters between the demonstrators, but the administrative court ruled in favor of the organizers yesterday.

The new gathering comes against a backdrop of growing German public discontent with virus-related restrictions.

For weeks, Germany, like many European countries, has been facing a new spread of the virus, with an average of 1,500 new infections recorded daily.