The Limited Times

Santiago Cafiero, concerned about the interior: "The AMBA health system is not the same as that of another type of town"

8/29/2020, 4:43:20 PM

The Chief of Staff also stressed that there are also contagions outdoors. And he affirmed that "there is no political tension" with the Buenos Aires government.

08/29/2020 - 12:58

  • Clarí
  • Politics

Concerned about the increase in coronavirus cases in the provinces, Chief of Staff Santiago Cafiero stressed that "the Health system of the City of Buenos Aires or the AMBA is not the same as that of some other type of town in the interior" and After authorizing the meetings of up to 10 people in the open air, he warned that it is important to respect the distance because "outdoors there are also contagions." At the same time, he assured that there is no "political tension" with the Buenos Aires government and recalled the economic crisis that Mauricio Macri left behind. 

"We are talking about the dynamism of the pandemic and that is why it is difficult to talk about dates, to be able to fix certainties, and even to say this ends on that day. What is setting the pulse are infections and deaths . In this sense we announce the extension of the measures of care, distancing and isolation in a country that is already beginning to coexist practically throughout its territory, it is not only in the AMBA or the big cities, "said Santiago Cafiero this Saturday.

"Today 37% of the cases are in the rest of the country and not in the AMBA. The virus was spreading and the speed of infection until it reached other areas that had not known the virus. The Health System of the City of Buenos Aires or the AMBA is not the same as that of some other type of town in the interior, "added the Chief of Staff.

"We are in an instance in which we have done work to strengthen the health system throughout the country. Obviously in the most agglomerated areas and which had a stronger reflection of the arrival of infections. The 12 modular hospitals were built where we had to strengthen the health system: 9 in the AMBA, one in Rosario, another in Chaco and Córdoba. And we have added 1,200 respirators throughout the country, "explained Santiago Cafiero in dialogue with the program" Llegó elSaturday "on Radio 10 .

" There is a quota of individual responsibility that is undeniable and there the State can set guidelines but what we need is that that individual responsibility becomes a collective responsibility and we all take care of ourselves," added Cafiero.

And he explained the scope of the new quarantine flexibility: "Outdoor meetings with certain parameters, care and distancing guidelines can be carried out. This will have two implications. We set a general guideline and those who implement it are the following. jurisdictions, provinces, departments or municipalities. Outdoors the risk of contagion is lower but it is not zero . It is not that outdoors I am not contagious, there are also possibilities, "said Cafiero and confirmed that the decree will be published on Sunday.

On the other hand, the Chief of Staff was consulted about the change in the announcement of the extension of the quarantine, without a joint conference between Alberto Fernández, Horacio Rodríguez Larreta and Axel Kicillof. " Communication was different because just up to here it had been a problem focused on AMBA . There was an idea that, since the axis was in AMBA, the head of the City Government and the Governor of the Province of Buenos Aires had to be there. Since today the problem is in the whole country and not only in the AMBA, then it did not make much sense to do the same press conference as we had been doing. What was the point that the City or the Province were telling Jujuy How should they take care of themselves? That is why it was privileged to make a more general message, for the whole country , to alert about some provinces that were having some difficulties. It has nothing to do with political tension, as some put it, "said Cafiero.

"What we have are policies of care coordinated with those who think like us, who have our same political identity, and with those who don't think like us, and have other political identities. Those policies were agreed and coordinated, so if there were restrictions on freedoms really what we have to evaluate is how to go about solving this, always with the focus on care policy, "he said.

"The government of the rates is gone"

On the other hand, he referred to the supposed study of raising a part of the income tax to 41%. "The Ministry of Economy yesterday denied those versions and was blunt. They are not working on that. We have a Tax Policy Secretariat that has always been evaluating what modifications can be made, but this Government will always make them progressively. The Government of the Rates and taxes left on December 10, "said the Chief of Staff.

"This government found a country in crisis, increased poverty, job destruction, SMEs that closed, businesses that did not sell anything, unemployment and growing poverty and inflation of 54%. But this crisis of Macri was the pandemic crisis added to it . And so and all of Argentina, at the instruction of the President and a government that was voted to change priorities, made progress anyway in that, for example, Argentina has a satellite that will be used by the country. and it will be able to sell services to the rest of the countries, "Cafiero concluded in reference to the launch of the SAOCOM 1B satellite, which was scheduled for these days and which, among other information, can assess the level of soil moisture.