The Limited Times

School: teachers' 'quick call' starts. Di Maio confirms confidence in Azzolina

8/29/2020, 2:22:20 PM

The procedure foreseen by the school decree starts. The Foreign Minister after the question and answer with the Pd on the minister [ -477d-ac66-b851d8e5181a.html]: 'September 14th we leave again' (ANSA)

The "quick call" of teachers kicks off, the new procedure provided for by the decree on schools approved in December in Parliament that "allows those who are in the ranking, but have not obtained the role with the normal round of recruitments, to be able to apply in another region where there are places available to first obtain the chair for an indefinite period ". The Ministry of Education makes it known in a note explaining that applications can be submitted until 11.59 pm on 2 September.

"The opening of the procedure - it is specified in the note - has been postponed by a few hours to allow the Ministry to be able to download all the data of the places remaining available from the individual Regional School Offices correctly and thus make them available to teachers who aspire to the role .

From this morning it is possible to present the request and the influx of users on the system is already registered. Immediately after the assignment of seats with the fast call, we will proceed with the substitutions. The Ministry has in fact developed a dense time schedule, deadline after deadline, to allow - concludes the note - an orderly start to the new year which is allowing the individual operations to be closed on schedule for the first time in many years ".

Meanwhile, after yesterday's back and forth, M5s confirms the confidence in Minister Azzolina

"Minister Azzolina and the whole government have reassured families, teachers and students that the school is restarting. It must start again safely". Thus the minister Luigi Di Maio on the sidelines of his visit to the Giffoni Film Festival. "But I want to say it clearly. Italy as a government must guarantee fundamental rights even in a very difficult period like the one we are experiencing linked to the pandemic. Among these - he said - there is the right to education, to study. it is also the right to vote that we must guarantee and that is why we will vote on 20 and 21 September, in safety but we will vote ". "I - he concluded - have full confidence in the Government, in the competent ministers, that our children will be able to resume lessons from September 14".