The Limited Times

Tour de France: Kristoff wins the first stage, Pinot down

8/29/2020, 5:10:25 PM

Under the rain, the falls multiplied this Saturday in Nice during this first stage, including that of Thibaut Pinot who did not lose any

It is not just the virus that scares the peloton. There is also rain. If Alexander Kristoff (Team Emirates), who won the sprint in front of the rest of the troop during this first stage of the Grande Boucle this Saturday, took advantage of this beautiful slide around Nice, the others are especially relieved to come back to their hotel safe and sound, and without chronometric damage. Because the falls have multiplied on the wet pavement. Thibaut Pinot in the lead.

The leader of Groupama-FDJ, one of the favorites of the Tour, found himself on land less than three kilometers from the finish. His fall did not cost him any time in the general classification since the marshals decided to neutralize the times on the three kilometer line. But the incident is likely to trot for a moment in the head of the Frenchman, who had abandoned last year two days from the end when he was able to win the event.

Mechanical incident for Alaphilippe

The other two favorites saw teammates fall. Pavel Sivakov, lieutenant Egan Bernal, the defending champion, crashed twice, the first with 104 km from the finish. Severely hit, especially on an arm, he finished far. George Bennett, who must take his leader of the Jumbo-Visma Primoz Roglic in the mountain, also found himself on the nose on the asphalt 28 km from the line, while the riders had eased for a long time yet . Julian Alaphilippe suffered a mechanical incident 90 km from the finish. The Deceuninck - Quick Step rider, yellow jersey for fourteen days last year, would have gone well with his chase on the slippery pavement.

This Sunday, the sun is expected on the Tour. The descent of the Col de Turini, on the heights of Nice, will be less dangerous.

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