The Limited Times

Coronavirus disease. Latest | More than 10 cases of preliminary diagnosis yesterday, about 510,000 people registered for national testing

8/31/2020, 4:28:14 AM

The new crown pneumonia epidemic continued. Yesterday (30th) there were 15 new confirmed cases, of which 10 were local cases. The cumulative number of cases has reached 4,802, and there are more than 10 initially positive cases. The Department of Health said yesterday that at least 10 cases were initially positive in the half-day. The universal community testing program implemented by the government will officially start on Tuesday (September 1) and is now accepting online appointments for registration. As of 12:00 noon today, about 510,000 people have registered, and reservations for some testing centers are full.

Social News

Written by: Cheng Cuibi, Chen Qianting, McCain, Wong Wai Lun

2020-08-31 08:00

Last update date: 2020-08-31 12:15

The new crown pneumonia epidemic continued. Yesterday (30th) there were 15 new confirmed cases, of which 10 were local cases. The cumulative number of cases has reached 4,802, and there are more than 10 initially positive cases. The Department of Health said yesterday that at least 10 cases were initially positive in the half-day.

The universal community testing program implemented by the government will officially start on Tuesday (September 1) and is now accepting online appointments for registration. As of 12:00 noon today, about 510,000 people have registered, and reservations for some testing centers are full.

[12:14] A government spokesperson said that as of 12:00 noon on August 31, about 510,000 people had registered to participate in the universal community testing program.

National Testing | Doctor Lin Zhexuan with more than 2,000 participants in the workshop: 4 to 5 minutes to complete the sampling process

[10:50] The government tomorrow (September 1) will launch a universal community test with voluntary participation by all citizens. The authorities will set up 141 sampling stations in 18 districts of Hong Kong as temporary sampling centers for medical care and nurses to assist citizens in collecting samples. The Hong Kong Academy of Medicine is coordinating and cooperating with several doctors and nurse organizations to launch the workshop. A spokesperson for the medical and nursing integrity peers and surgeon who is serving as a mentor, Lin Zhexuan, said that more than 2,000 people participated in the workshop. He revealed that the sampling rate is about 4 to 5 One person per minute, and the venue will not be high risk.

National Testing | 480,000 people registered at 8 o'clock this morning, Nie Dequan denounced that boycott was a political start

[09:05] The universal community testing program will be launched tomorrow (1st). Director of the Civil Service Bureau Nie Dequan, who is in charge of coordinating the plan, said today (31st) that as of 8 am today, 480,000 people have made appointments for the past few days. The system is operating smoothly, and the number of registrations has risen steadily. Some testing centers have reached their quota for 7 consecutive days. He believes that the plan is voluntary. If you choose not to participate for personal reasons, there is no problem. "But boycotting people will be stubborn. It must be politically motivated." He also criticized that this will affect the anti-epidemic work and have a negative impact on society. .

▼The five steps to make an appointment for national testing are as follows▼

▼List of 141 community testing centers in 18 districts▼




▼01 Actually measured throat swab sampling▼

Confirmed building|Comprehensive list of patients' residences in the CAPO, Hi Ya Su Uk Village is on the list again

[00:40] The Health Protection Center updates the residence information of the confirmed case. Statistics show that in addition to the Lei Muk Shue dormitory group in Hong Chi, Die Cuifeng and So Uk Village are on the list again; Chongzheng New Village has also added new confirmed cases after two confirmed cases at the beginning of this month. The three confirmed cases live in Cheung Sha Wan, the place with the most cases today.

Diagnosed restaurant | Adding 6 restaurants to the list, some patients go to Hong Kong station to add good luck, garden building a congee and noodle

[00:00] The Department of Health updated the itinerary of the confirmed case in the past 14 days on Sunday (30th) evening. According to the data, 6 new restaurants have been visited by the confirmed case, including two restaurants, one at the Changsha Bay Trade Plaza. Felicity Restaurant, and Tsuen Wan Tsuen Hui Choi Dragon Palace Restaurant.

The newly "listed" restaurants also include the MTR Hong Kong Station "Tim Ho Wan Dim Sum Specialty Shop", the "One Congee and Noodle" in Block 3 Yulian Terrace, Kwun Tong Garden Building, and the "Great Happy" in Lei Yue Mun Plaza, Kwun Tong. In addition, the confirmed part-time taxi driver (#4788) once went to the "Hong Kong Master Restaurant", HANDS S District, 2A, Tuen Mun Rural Committee Road, Tuen Mun.

▼8.28 List of reopening and still closed premises▼




New crown pneumonia | Residents of no source case at Yuan Yi Building, Yuanzhou Village: I don’t know if they have been in contact

New crown pneumonia | "Kuan Ma Tsai" raises 5 million to set up a mask factory to distribute masks to the grassroots in the district

New crown pneumonia | 10 more local cases, half of the sourceless Hong Chi hostel, 17 residents and staff confirmed

New Coronary Pneumonia | The 39-week pregnant woman is unwell to the internal medicine ward of the hospital

New crown pneumonia | Little Hawaii Waterfall is crowded with uncovered citizens after the release measures

Overview of yesterday:

National Testing|More than 420,000 people have registered and 5 testing centers are full. Government: Consider extending 7 days

Nationwide Testing|The government condemns online comments for the purpose of discrediting personal data for testing purposes only

New crown pneumonia | Little Hawaii Waterfall is crowded with uncovered citizens after the release measures

Nationwide Testing|The number of registered people exceeds 350,000 Zhang Zhujun: The more people participate, the more patients can be recruited

New crown pneumonia | Residents of no source case at Yuan Yi Building, Yuanzhou Village: I don’t know if they have been in contact

New Coronary Pneumonia | The 39-week pregnant woman is unwell to the internal medicine ward of the hospital

New crown pneumonia | 10 more local cases, half of the sourceless Hong Chi hostel, 17 residents and staff confirmed

New crown pneumonia | Amoy now diagnosed and finally lost residents praise the housing estate's health measures are good, not worried about the outbreak

New crown pneumonia | About 2,000 foreign domestic helpers participate in virus test Luo Zhiguang: Participation rate still needs to be improved

Diagnosed restaurant | Adding 6 restaurants to the list, some patients go to Hong Kong station to add good luck, garden building a congee and noodle

Confirmed building|Comprehensive list of patients' residences in the CAPO, Hi Ya Su Uk Village is on the list again

▼Publicity leaflets and frequently asked questions about national testing▼

New Coronary Pneumonia New Coronary Pneumonia Center for Health Protection Center for Health Protection Department of Health

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