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Confusion in "red" cities and teachers at risk: the difficulties in opening the school year - Walla! news

9/1/2020, 8:33:21 PM

On the day of the festive return to the educational institutions, glitches and challenges were recorded following the outline of the corona and the effects of the virus. In special education, solutions have not yet been found for assistants who integrate and transport, and even teachers and students who live in localities with high morbidity or are at risk have had to stay in homes.

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Studies in the days of Corona

Confusion in "red" cities and teachers at risk: the difficulties in opening the school year

On the day of the festive return to the educational institutions, glitches and challenges were recorded following the outline of the corona and the effects of the virus.

In special education, solutions have not yet been found for assistants who integrate and transport, and even teachers and students who live in localities with high morbidity or are at risk have had to stay in homes.


  • The education system

  • Ministry of Education

  • Special Education

Dana Yarkatzi

Tuesday, 01 September 2020, 23:25

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In the video: Opening of the school year (Photo: Yotam Ronen, Shai Makhlouf, Roni Kanfo, Yoav Itiel and GPO)

A complex and challenging school year opened today (Tuesday) across the country in the shadow of the corona plague.

The crisis, along with other factors, affected a variety of aspects: the education system in the "red" cities did not open at all, staffing led to the closure of other institutions, and even special education students, who are supposed to study as usual in almost every disease, were affected after various restrictions The studies are especially complicated for the parents.

Thus, the first day of the year 1951 opened with 140,000 students from 23 red cities remaining in their homes, and 352 schools and 716 kindergartens remaining closed.

A total of 962 students and teaching staff fell ill in Corona, and 5,519 were placed in solitary confinement.

Outside the red areas, four schools in Bat Yam, Jerusalem, Umm al-Fahm and Rahat were closed due to illness, and nine more schools across the country remained closed due to other reasons, such as a demand from parents to fire the school principal, or residents' complaints to the council.

Regardless of the health crisis, the opening of the school year in Lod was overshadowed by the fire of Abu Muammar, an 11th grade educator at the Dror Social High School, from a stray bullet that struck her a few hours before the school year began. Who are in conflict.

Opening of the school year at the Schiffer School in Petah Tikva, today (Photo: Reuven Castro)

The problem: the confusion regarding the red cities

The night before the start of the school year, the Corona Cabinet decided not to open the education system in the "red" cities.

The person who did not make this decision, which was made less than 12 hours before the start of the school year, was Meir Rubinstein, the mayor of Beitar Illit, who ordered the opening of the city's education system, contrary to the instructions of the Corona Cabinet.

He said that only two days earlier his city had been classified as green, and he had to hear about the change in classification from the media, and that he was waiting for clarifications from the Ministry of Health on the decision.

With the publication of the decision and pressure from the Ministry of Health, the municipality announced that schooling would be canceled anyway, and parents were forced to return to schools to pick up their children.

The decision regarding the red cities was postponed until a re-examination of the situation on Thursday - then it will be decided whether to hold an extended closure in these authorities.

A complex year anyway.

Students at the Shiffer School in Petah Tikva, today (Photo: Reuven Castro)

The problem: A solution has not yet been found for the integrating assistants

The various restrictions create an absurd situation, forcing the inclusive assistants - who come to mediate distance learning for students with special needs who study in classrooms with children who are not - and the parents of the students to stay together in homes while studying.

Prior to the Corona period, the integrative assistant would accompany the students in the class.

Now, in light of the restrictions, under the direction of the Ministry of Education, a parent of a child in grades 5-6 and above is required to stay home when the assistant arrives.

According to ALU and other organizations that help families, this requires many parents to stay home and not go to work.

More on Walla!


Returning to class in the corona routine: The school year opens with limitations and question marks

To the full article

"The Ministry of Health's demand that the parent stay at home is outrageous," says Michael Zetz, director of the Advocacy Division at the United Nations. "The parent has to choose whether to go to work or stay at home.

Why would he lose a job?

He lost many hours of work throughout the Corona period anyway.

"The integration assistant can come to the house and help mediate the material, if the parent stays at home then why does he need the assistant?"

He said a letter on the subject was sent to Education Minister Yoav Galant, requesting that integrated assistants be able to reach students' homes without consent. " With the corona the combined students fall between the chairs, ”he said.

Problem: Transportation for integrated students

Another problem that integrated students suffer from is the cancellation of transportation.

A procedure by the director of the transportation department at the Ministry of Education exempts the authorities from transporting students for half a school day.

This creates a situation where if an integrated student studies in a capsule from 12:00 to 15:30, according to the outline he is not entitled to transportation, and these students have to find an independent way to get to school.

Preparing for the opening of the Haim Guri School in Rosh HaAyin (Photo: Reuven Castro)

The problem: the lack of response to parents and kindergarten teachers in risk groups

The start of the school year was in jeopardy in light of threats from the Teachers' Union and the kindergarten teachers to suspend work until a suitable solution was found for more than 2,000 teaching staff who are in a risk group for falling ill in Corona.

Although the strike has been postponed, after the teachers' union and the state reached temporary agreements that will be valid until September 24 - when contacts between the parties will continue over the coming weeks - a comprehensive solution for these teachers is not yet in sight.

As part of the understandings between the parties, it was decided that the teachers went to the Khalat in accordance with the regulated outline only. Under the outline, at-risk teaching employees will be able to go to the Khalat and receive unemployment benefits, while being entitled to pension provisions.

And yes, an array of occupational physicians will be established by the Ministry of Education, which will examine the requests of teaching staff.

Opening of the school year at the Schiffer School in Petah Tikva, today (Photo: Reuven Castro)

It was also agreed that the state will allocate an additional NIS 30 million for the protection of teaching staff at risk, and retirement quotas will be allocated to teaching staff who are at risk. The parties will continue to discuss the details of the agreements, and a reminder hearing will be scheduled in the court on September 24, and the Histadrut will not be able to disable the education system until further notice by the court.

At the same time, despite repeated requests to the Ministry of Education, no solution has yet been found for students who or their families are at risk. It seems that they will have to stay in their homes and rely on contact with the teacher, or help from their classmates. The Ministry of Education has not mapped the number of students who are expected to stay home for this reason during the school year.

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