The Limited Times

Innkeepers on the corona abyss - climate sinner patio heater as savior? Altmaier makes a proposal

9/1/2020, 4:00:44 PM

In the Corona crisis, German companies are continuing to use the tried and tested straw short-time work. Meanwhile, the catering industry is examining the use of environmentally harmful radiant heaters.

In the Corona crisis, German companies are continuing to use the tried and tested straw short-time work.

Meanwhile, the catering industry is examining the use of environmentally harmful radiant heaters.

  • Corona still



    under control - and with it enormous effects on

    economic power


  • Many people have

    lost their jobs and financial difficulties

    due to the

    Covid-19 pandemic


  • The

    number of unemployed

    increased in August.

    Short-time work

    continues to be a popular means of reducing costs.

  • At the latest

    Corona summit

    in the Chancellery, further measures to


    the population were decided.

Update from September 1, 5:19 p.m.:




economically bad

after months of the

corona pandemic


In summer at least the outside areas of restaurants and cafes are well filled.

The industry association Dehoga is convinced that the catering companies in Baden-Württemberg are dependent on an extension of the outdoor season.

The use of

radiant heaters

, which are

banned in many places, should also be

allowed, said the press spokesman for the German Hotel and Restaurant Association (Dehoga) Baden-Württemberg, Daniel Ohl, on Tuesday.

"At the moment it is a question of


for a great many companies in the catering industry


Because of their

environmentally harmful energy consumption,

radiant heaters are

not allowed in many municipalities.

The hospitality industry in the southwest has

irretrievably lost

three to four billion euros in sales due

to the corona

, said Ohl.

"The schnitzel that was not ordered in April is not ordered twice in August." According to Ohls, the current safety regulations also reduce the number of seats by an average of 40 percent.

"Against this background, many companies are very worried about getting through autumn and winter."

The Dehoga is committed to everything that helps to extend outdoor dining for as long as possible, said Ohl.

“This can also include a radiant heater.” It would also be helpful if the municipalities would help companies to designate areas for outdoor catering and the fees for this, said Ohl.

Economics Minister Peter Altmaier

proposed a

climate policy compensation

on Tuesday


In Corona times, the gastronomy could be helped if guests could sit outside in the cold season.

The “modest energy costs” could be offset in terms of climate policy.

This means a possible

CO2 compensation


Government approves Corona aid: is Germany now waking up from deep cultural sleep?

Update from September 1, 4:21 p.m.:

The federal government is now supporting

cultural companies

in the Corona crisis with

25 million euros


Cultural centers, literature houses and socio-cultural meeting points should be able to resume operations under pandemic conditions, according to a federal statement.

The funding applies, among other things, to protective measures in the cash register and sanitary areas or the installation of ventilation.

Cultural grassroots work

should not be lost due to the

Sars-CoV-2 pandemic

, said Minister of State for Culture Monika Grütters.

Cultural sites are

places of encounter

and bring very different population groups together, she explained.

In this way, the institutions would not only


the neighborhood, but also above all the

social cohesion of

a district or a municipality, the statement said, adding that each institution could be


with up to 100,000 euros


The funding is part of the “Neustart Kultur” economic stimulus program.

The funding program will be handled by the Bundesverband Soziokultur eV

Coronavirus in Germany: More unemployed in August - less short-time work

Original article dated September 1, 2020:

The number of

unemployed in Germany rose

again in August 2020.

According to the

Federal Employment Agency

, 2.95 million people were unemployed, 45,000 more than in July and 636,000 more than a year ago.

The unemployment rate rose within a month by 0.1 percentage points to 6.4 percent.

The fact that the number of


in Germany will rise in August is not an unexpected phenomenon: Unemployment usually increases because employment and training



before the summer vacation


For comparison: In August 2019, the number of people without a job increased by 44,000 compared to the previous month.

How is the corona pandemic * currently affecting the labor market in this country?

As in July, there was no additional increase in unemployment due to the economic effects of


, said the chief executive of the Federal Agency, Detlef Scheele in Nuremberg.

But "the effects of the pandemic on the labor market are still very clearly visible," he said.

Short-time work due to Corona: period extended - number of registrations is slowly falling

When it comes to short-time work, there is only a slow path to normality: According to the Federal Employment Agency,

5.36 million people

in Germany were on short-time

work in August

, and

over six million people

in this country

were now


short-time work, which has different effects on salaries.

Overall, these are initial forecasts: As labor market experts describe, the figures have been extrapolated and can change retrospectively.

According to a survey by the Ifo Institute, short-time work is falling in Germany.

According to this, there was short-time work in 37 percent of the companies participating in the survey in August, five percent less than in July.

Various experts are currently seeing signs that the labor market has recovered - also thanks to short-time working *, which has limited the extent of layoffs.

However, they are concerned about the increasing number of infections and the fear of new restrictions.


Unemployed in Corona times: The number of those affected in Germany increased in August 2020.

© Jan Woitas / ZB / dpa

The federal government recently extended the deadline for corona aid, and companies can now take advantage of the financial support until the end of 2021.

A measure that costs German taxpayers dearly.

* is an offer from the Ippen-Digital-Netzwerk