The Limited Times

[Observatory] The highest temperature during the day is about 34 degrees with showers and thunderstorms

9/2/2020, 11:24:16 PM

At 7 am, the observatory recorded a temperature of 29.5°C and a relative humidity of 85%. The highest UV index today is about 9, which is very high. Weather Overview: A weak continental airstream affected Guangdong yesterday. Hong Kong yesterday

the weather

Written by: Liu Ding'an

2020-09-03 07:17

Last update date: 2020-09-03 07:17

At 7 am, the observatory recorded a temperature of 29.5°C and a relative humidity of 85%.

The highest UV index today is about 9, which is very high.

Weather Overview:

A weak continental airstream affected Guangdong yesterday.

The weather in Hong Kong was mainly fine and very hot yesterday, with temperatures rising to 34 degrees or above in various districts.

The high temperature triggers showers and thunderstorms, and the thunderstorms in the afternoon bring more than 10 millimeters of rainfall to some areas.

It is expected that Guangdong will continue to be extremely hot in the next one or two days, with weak winds, but showers in some areas.

It is expected that a broad trough of low pressure will bring showers and thunderstorms to the coastal areas of South China in the early to middle next week.

In addition, tropical cyclone Mesaac will traverse the Korean Peninsula today.

The tropical cyclone Poseidon will intensify into a super typhoon in the next two or three days and move towards the area from Kyushu to the Ryukyu Islands in Japan.

Super Typhoon Mesaq weakened into a strong typhoon yesterday.

At 11 o'clock last night, Mesaac assembled about 120 kilometers southwest of Busan and is expected to move north-northeast at a speed of about 45 kilometers per hour across the Korean Peninsula.

At 5 o'clock in the morning, Typhoon Poseidon gathered about 1,500 kilometers southeast of Kagoshima and is expected to move west-northwest at a speed of about 16 kilometers per hour, crossing the northwest Pacific Ocean and gradually strengthening.

Local weather forecast:

mainly cloudy with showers and thunderstorms in some areas.

The lowest temperature is about 28 degrees.

During part of the day, there is sunshine and extreme heat. The highest temperature in the urban area is about 34 degrees, and it is another one or two degrees higher in the New Territories.


Observatory outlook:

Friday is still very hot, but there are showers in some areas.

There was sunshine for a short period of time from the weekend to early next week, and there were also a few showers.

Weather forecast