The Limited Times

At the Neureuth hiking car park: Husky puts herd of suckler cows in a wild panic - cattle break through the fence

9/2/2020, 8:30:16 PM

A husky escaped its owners at the Neureuth parking lot and chased a herd of suckler cows across the pasture. The cattle panicked - and the dog owners themselves in danger.

A husky escaped its owners at the Neureuth parking lot and chased a herd of suckler cows across the pasture.

The cattle panicked - and the dog owners themselves in danger.

  • Husky jumps out of the car at the parking lot and runs to the adjacent pasture

  • Owners try to stop the dog and put themselves in danger

  • In a panic, the cattle break through the electric fence

Gmund -

The herd of Berghammers grazes at the foot of the


, near the

hiking car park


Gmund / Gasse.

Nine cows, seven calves, one ox, one bull.

An idyll if it is not disturbed.

Like on Sunday, around 10.30 a.m.

Then a couple from



the doors of their car in the parking lot.

A young husky shot out with the cattle in its sights.

He raced across the meadow and




The dog did not react to the calls of its owners, in the hunted fever hung on the hoes of the startled cattle, which in turn attacked the husky.

The people of Munich tried to bring their dog to reason and ran into the pasture.

Not a good idea.

“That is really very dangerous,” says farmer Maria Berghammer.

Angry suckler cows can knock a person to the ground and run over them.

"In contrast, our bull is harmless," says Berghammer.

Shock scene at Tegernsee under Neureuth: frightened suckler cows want to defend calves

It was her husband who discovered the people of Munich on the pasture, in the midst of the wild spectacle.

“Make sure you get out of there”, Sepp Berghammer yelled at the dog owners.

They fled from the pasture and were finally able to catch their four-legged friend.

However, the panicked cattle broke through the fence and stormed off towards the street.

"It is a double fence," reports Berghammer.

Your cows are actually very good.

But in the panic the dog had put her in, there was no stopping her.

The outbreak made the situation even more dangerous.

“We were terrified that they would run onto the federal highway,” says Berghammer.

The farmers called in to help recapture the herd.

After about an hour and a half it was finally done.

Dog panics herd: farmer wants to shake up with history

Berghammer wants to achieve one thing with her description: “People have to understand that dogs should be on a leash.” Apparently the owners are not aware of what they can do if they do not have a firm grip on their animals.

The Munich couple, from whom the husky had escaped, was "completely dissolved," reports Berghammer.

"They were very sorry." The two would never have thought it possible that their dog would panic the herd like this.

The Berghammers have not yet reported to the police.

“We're still thinking about it,” says the farmer's wife.

Compensation will have to be paid.

The piece of fence that ran down must be replaced.

And the time that the Berghammers and their helpers had to spend catching the herd should not be entirely free.

It's less about money, explains Maria Berghammer: "We also want to set an example."

Farmers in the Oberland are currently desperate not only with dog owners, but also with racers.

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