The Limited Times

Climate: Wwf, from field to table 16 ways to save the planet

9/2/2020, 3:39:10 PM

The fight against climate change is also done by acting on the production and consumption of food. The transformation of food systems, in fact, can in fact reduce global emissions by 20%, therefore, in the national commitments to be formalized with the Paris Agreement, including limiting heating to 1.5 degrees, the system must also be considered global food. This is what emerges from the new report of the WWF, United Nations Program for the Environment (Unep), Eat and Climate Focus (ANSA)

ROME - The fight against climate change is also done by acting on the production and consumption of food. The transformation of food systems, in fact, can in fact reduce global emissions by 20%, therefore, in the national commitments to be formalized with the Paris Agreement, including limiting heating to 1.5 degrees, the system must also be taken into account. global food. This is what emerges from the new report of the WWF, United Nations Environment Program (Unep), Eat and Climate Focus which identifies 16 ways in which policy makers can act from field to table. Change your consumption by halving food waste and adopting diets richer in vegetables; reduce land use change and natural habitat conversion; prevent food losses; improve production methods and reduce methane emissions caused by livestock farms: these are some of the 16 actions in the food sector suggested in the report against climate change To date, the WWF reminds us, "food and diets, losses and food waste is largely ignored, but if politicians put them among the sectoral targets within national climate plans, they could reduce global emissions by up to 25%. "" Without a radical transformation in how we produce and consume food, we will not be able to achieve our climate or biodiversity conservation goals, which are the basis for achieving food security, preventing disease outbreaks and ultimately meeting the Sustainable Development Goals. This is why we urge governments to include a strategy to have food systems respectful and positive for the climate and for nature in the new and more ambitious presented these 'year ", declared Marco Lambertini, WWF-International General Manager.