The Limited Times

Controversy over Melania Trump, use private email addresses

9/2/2020, 2:15:16 PM

Since joining the White House, Melania Trump has regularly used at least two private email addresses as well as messaging apps and services. (HANDLE)

(ANSA) - WASHINGTON, 2 SEPTEMBER - Since entering the White House, Melania Trump has regularly used at least two private e-mail addresses in addition to messaging services and apps. This was revealed by his former friend and collaborator Stephanie Wolkoff, author of the book 'Melania and Me', in an interview with the Washington Post. Interview in which he explains how the first lady almost never used her official White House email, but also dealt with government issues by sending and receiving emails from an account linked to TrumpOrganization and from another staff ''. An episode destined to create embarrassment in the Trump family after the tycoon in the 2016 election campaign launched a violent offensive against Hillary Clinton precisely for the use of private emails that are forbidden to those who work in the administration. Trump went so far as to ask for perl prison; former secretary of state talking about a scandal "worse than Watergate". An investigation has also been underway for weeks into the use of private emails by Ivanka Trump and her husband Jared Jushner. (HANDLE).