The Limited Times

For this curious and important reason, you should leave the curtains open during the day

9/2/2020, 3:15:10 PM

Do you also like to close the curtains during the day? You are certainly not alone in this. But there's an important reason you should leave them open.

Do you also like to close the curtains during the day?

You are certainly not alone in this.

But there's an important reason you should leave them open.

Anyone who is out of the house during the day feels more comfortable when everything is locked and locked.

The curtains or blinds are also often closed - either to ward off curious glances from neighbors, to make work more difficult for burglars * or simply to keep the apartment cool when the outside temperature is 35 degrees.

Leave the curtains open during the day - this is why it makes sense

Scientists working with the study director Ashkaan Fahimipour from the University of Oregan found an important reason as early as 2018, why you should leave the curtains open.

The research group has proven that

light inhibits bacterial growth

- especially sunlight.

For their study, the scientists created environments that should have the typical characteristics of a room.

Among other things, brightness, reflection and humidity were taken into account.

They then tested how the incidence of light affected the growth of bacteria - with an astonishing result.

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Study result: Less light results in more bacteria


to the study,

only 6.8 percent of the bacteria could multiply

in a room exposed to UV light


In a dark room there were almost twice as many at twelve percent.

The study specifically looked at microbial communities in house dust.

Better indoor climate

Allergy sufferers in particular need a good indoor climate so as not to worsen their symptoms.

Air purifiers (promotional link) help remove dust, pollen, bacteria and viruses.

This means for you: It can't hurt to let more light into your home during the day by opening the curtains.

This is how you can stop the growth of bacteria in your home.

* is part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital editors network.

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: Coronavirus: How to clean your household hygienically.

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