The Limited Times

He accompanies family on a plane then tries to get out, sanctioned

9/2/2020, 3:18:21 PM

He passed the airport gates undisturbed and managed without a ticket and without checks to accompany his wife and daughter on the plane departing from Bari for Genoa. (HANDLE)

(ANSA) - BARI, 02 SEPT - He passed the airport gates undisturbed and managed without a ticket and without checks to accompany his wife and daughter to the plane departing from Bariper Genoa.

Only when he tried to get off the plane after helping his family to put the suitcases on the plane, did a stewardess stop him and found that he didn't have a ticket.

The violation cost a 30-year-old from Bari, a worker residing in the Ceglie del Campo district, a fine of € 2,064 by the border police.

    The story dates back to the early afternoon of 28 August.

The man, accompanying his wife and a few-year-old daughter to the airport, passed the initial security check area and then, "without a travel document - reads the report - he managed to pass the gate on the ground floor ".
