The Limited Times

Prof. Gamzo warns: "Without significant change in the red cities - we can not avoid closure." Israel today

9/2/2020, 1:57:21 PM

| healthThe Corona commissioner visited the red city in Beitar Illit, and commented on the serious illness • "Extreme adherence to the guidelines will protect you and your families" • Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky's announcement that students should not be placed in solitary confinement for fear of canceling Torah: Corona Commissioner Prof. Roni Gamzo visited the red city of Beitar Illit this morning (Wednesday)

The Corona commissioner visited the red city in Beitar Illit, and commented on the serious illness • "Extreme adherence to the guidelines will protect you and your families" • Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky's announcement that students should not be placed in solitary confinement for fear of canceling Torah:

Corona Commissioner Prof. Roni Gamzo visited the red city of Beitar Illit this morning (Wednesday) and called for public cooperation with the new guidelines: "We now have 14% positive inspections in the city and the responsibility for the situation is now in your hands. We need full municipal and standing mobilization "In her head and I am sure that the residents will obey every instruction and directive. A quick return to routine depends solely on you - extreme adherence to the instructions will protect you and your families."

Photo: GPO

The Corona commissioner sharply criticized the lax enforcement in the city: "Unfortunately, we are witnessing a systematic violation of the guidelines. Every evening there are incidents in the city that violate all procedures and yesterday, contrary to our directive, educational institutions were opened in the city. I understand the complexity, but now Significant - without increasing enforcement and encouraging inspections, we will be required to make complex decisions that may amount to a full closure. "

"The consistent refusal to cooperate on the part of some red cities can lead to an outbreak of very serious illness. Today, 28% of the general illness is in Arab society, with the ultra-Orthodox society accounting for 22% of all illness in Israel. A significant increase in illness By the set date, September 10, we will be required to formulate new and broader guidelines, which will significantly disrupt the routine of life outside the red cities as well. "

A statement from Gamzo stated that for the past two weeks there has been an increase in Beitar Illit in the new cases and especially in the positive tests, which indicates hidden cases and a lack of patient detection.

The eruption, it was written, is most likely related to the opening of the school year at yeshivas on Sunday in Elul and the changes in gatherings in the intervening period. 

Prof. Gamzo described the difficulty in the hospitals and the daily number of 13 deaths per day: "In the current outbreak, the residents of the locality must be protected, by restricting entry and entry, and closing the education and yeshivot system. Rabbi Kanievsky's announcement endangers the ultra-Orthodox public."

As you may recall, Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky, the greatest of the ultra-Orthodox generation, last night issued an unusual directive, according to which students should not be placed in isolation for fear of canceling Torah.

In a letter, he stated that "it is forbidden to lighten the head and rush to put students in isolation, not for individuals and when not for many, something that can lead to the cancellation of the Beit Midrash Chas VeShalom." danger".