The Limited Times

The National Art Center and its role in supporting young plastic artists during a press conference

9/2/2020, 8:33:27 PM

Damascus-SANA The contribution of the National Center for Visual Arts to support the contemporary plastic movement, especially the support of artists


The contribution of the National Center for Visual Arts in supporting the contemporary plastic movement, especially the support of young artists, was the focus of the press conference held at the conclusion of the exhibition of the Young Artists Competition organized by the Center.

Dr. Ghayath Al-Akhras, Chairman of the Arts Center, touched on the efforts made to attract young artists through workshops and exhibitions that put them in direct contact with the public, stressing at the same time the importance of achieving elite quality in artistic work, expanding the audience and working with love, conscience and altruism.

Al-Akhras spoke about the need for the Ministry of Culture and adult artists to support young artists, as well as the importance of family and school support for artistic talents, pointing to the role of a passion studio in showing and supporting children's talents.

Al-Akhras stopped at the role that artists and musicians can play in post-war construction, with the need to advance the reality of art education in schools from the current method, because teaching these disciplines, in his opinion, is a visual artistic philosophical dialogue that depends on raising issues related to the reality of plastic art and ways to advance it to play its role In preserving identity, thought and belonging.

Al-Akhras called on young people to take advantage of the services of the National Center for Visual Arts to create an educated and conscious youth art, expressing the center's readiness to provide all material and moral facilities to young artists.

Miss Ani