The Limited Times

The Turkish regime blocks an opposition channel under the pretext of opposing its policies

9/2/2020, 9:36:22 PM

Ankara-SANA The Supreme Council for Radio and Television of the Turkish regime decided to block a channel Ankara-Sana The Supreme Council of Radio and Television of the Turkish regime decided to block the opposition “Tele One” channel for five days, starting from midnight tonight, under the pretext of its programs that contradict “the national and national interests of the Turkish state and nation.” The decision sparked widespread political, popular and media reactions, as the leader of the good par


The Supreme Council of Radio and Television of the Turkish regime decided to block the opposition “Tele One” channel for five days, starting from midnight tonight, under the pretext of its programs that contradict “the national and national interests of the Turkish state and nation.”

The decision sparked widespread political, popular and media reactions, as the leader of the good party, Maral Akshanar, criticized the decision and said that silencing the opposition and closing the media will not solve Turkey's internal and external problems and will not address the dangerous financial crisis.

In turn, CHP Vice President Ankin Koç considered the council’s decision to be part of the arbitrary campaigns of Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s regime against the opposition media.

Tens of thousands of citizens expressed their solidarity with the channel on social networks.

In the past few months, the Supreme Council of Radio and Television of the Turkish regime imposed heavy fines on the channel, while pressure continued on companies to prevent them from publishing their advertisements on the channel.

The Council also recently imposed financial fines on other opposition channels and banned other channels from broadcasting for various periods under the pretext of their programs that they say are offensive to the Erdogan regime and the Turkish state.

It is noteworthy that "Tele One" channel takes opposing positions in all its programs and news against President Erdogan's domestic and foreign policies, especially in Syria and Libya, and Erdogan's support for terrorist groups, as well as exposing secrets of corruption in which Erdogan, his family and close associates are involved.

The Turkish regime authorities continue their crackdowns against opposition media, as the number of journalists who have been arrested or sentenced to prison terms increased from 270 during the past ten years, and more than 80 of them are still in prison.