The Limited Times

Tropical storm Nana: northern Central America on alert

9/2/2020, 7:57:33 PM

Before making landfall in Belize, probably midday Thursday, Nana should become a Category 1 hurricane.The four countries of northern Central America - Belize, Honduras, El Salvador and Guatemala - are preparing for the arrival of Tropical Storm Nana which is moving west into the Caribbean Sea and threatening to turn into a hurricane. The civil protection services of the four countries especially fear the impact of the heavy rains of the storm, which approached Wednesday, September 2 of the coast o

The four countries of northern Central America - Belize, Honduras, El Salvador and Guatemala - are preparing for the arrival of Tropical Storm Nana which is moving west into the Caribbean Sea and threatening to turn into a hurricane.

The civil protection services of the four countries especially fear the impact of the heavy rains of the storm, which approached Wednesday, September 2 of the coast of Honduras with winds of 90 km / h.

Read also: Storm Laura: the toll rises to 31 dead in Haiti

Before making landfall in Belize, probably midday Thursday, Nana is expected to become a category 1 hurricane (on a scale of 5) with winds of more than 117 km / h whose rains can cause floods and flooding. , according to Fancisco Argenal, head of the Honduran meteorological service.

The Belize Disaster Reduction Service (NEMO) issued a flood warning and asked people to go to safe shelters such as schools that were requisitioned.

In Guatemala, the alert was also given by the Coordination for Disaster Prevention (Conred) which warned that the rains will be intense and relentless from Thursday until the weekend.

The Guatemalan civil protection services are all the more concerned as the soils have already been saturated with water by the intense rains since the start of the wet season in May.

In El Salvador, the Minister of the Interior Mario Duran declared the "

green alert

" in anticipation of the arrival of Nana, which should however be downgraded to a "

moderate to strong



during its passage over the country from Thursday, according to the country's authorities.

At the end of May and beginning of June, storms Amanda and Cristobal had killed 30 people in El Salvador, and five in Guatemala.

Also see

- Visiting Louisiana, Trump admits Hurricane Laura "was an extremely powerful storm"

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