The Limited Times

Turkey is experiencing a second peak of the Corona outbreak, with 1,596 new infections recorded

9/2/2020, 8:18:27 PM

Ankara-SANA Turkish Health Minister Fakhruddin Kujah announced today that Turkey is experiencing a second peak of the Corona B virus outbreak


Turkish Health Minister Fakhruddin Kuja announced today that Turkey is witnessing a second peak in the outbreak of the Corona virus due to neglect in social events, amid an accelerated increase in the number of daily infections and deaths due to the virus.

Reuters quoted Koca as saying in a statement that the capital, Ankara, witnessed the highest rate of increase in cases in Corona in recent times, as it reached twice the number of cases in Istanbul, which was previously the epicenter of the outbreak in Turkey, noting that neglect in weddings and religious events is the reason and the imposition General isolation measures to curb the spread of the virus are not on the government's agenda now.

The Turkish Ministry of Health recorded 1,596 new injuries during the past 24 hours, bringing the total number of injuries to 273,301 people, while 45 deaths were recorded, bringing the total deaths to 6,462 cases.