The Limited Times

Without sugar: Those with a sweet tooth will still be happy with these variants

9/2/2020, 4:12:27 PM

A dessert without sugar? Unthinkable. If you don't want to let the white grain trickle into it, you have several sweet alternatives. But which one is suitable for what?

A dessert without sugar?


If you don't want to let the white grain trickle into it, you have several sweet alternatives.

But which one is suitable for what?

It should be sweet, but without white sugar.

If you are looking for alternative sweeteners, you can use coconut blossom sugar, date or rice syrup and pomegranate molasses, for example.

However, if you want to keep your body slim and therefore avoid household sugar, there is bad news: you cannot save calories with the sugar alternatives.

Such products are usually as high in energy as normal household sugar, reports the Federal Center for Nutrition.

In this case, you have to use sweeteners such as xylitol, erythritol or others to sweeten cakes *, desserts and the like.

Sugar alternatives: Sweet with a lot of taste

Coconut blossom sugar:

It's just as grainy and almost as sweet as granulated sugar.

Although the name would suggest it, coconut blossom sugar doesn't taste like coconut, but rather has a pleasant caramel-like note.

This is because it is made from the nectar of the coconut palm and not from the coconut.


advantage of coconut blossom sugar

: It is said to be healthier than white sugar, as it only makes the blood sugar level rise very slowly.

So far, however, there are no reliable studies that prove this effect.

Rice syrup:

has a long tradition as a sweetener in Japan and is made from ground and cooked rice.

The rice starch is broken down into sugar molecules by fermentation.

The gold-colored syrup has a malty-nutty aroma and is less sweet than table sugar.

It does not contain any fructose and is therefore also suitable for people with fructose intolerance.

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Date syrup:

It contains the nutrients present in the date such as vitamins A and D, magnesium, potassium and folic acid in small quantities.

Its caramel-like aroma gives tea, smoothies, soups, sauces and desserts a fine note.

Date syrup has a higher sweetening power than sugar and can therefore be used sparingly.

If you want to prepare the syrup yourself, put the pitted dates in water and boil them down.

Then puree until you have a smooth mixture and season with vanilla, cinnamon and a little lemon juice.

Pomegranate molasses:

 This oriental syrup has a tart to sweet and sour taste and is often used for stews, oven vegetables and marinades.

Fish and meat can be glazed with the fruity molasses.

(dpa / ante)

* is part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital editorial network.

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