The Limited Times

Zhou Kaixuan praised the Hong Kong government for its contribution to the fight against the epidemic, hoping to launch a home-use test kit in October

9/2/2020, 11:15:10 PM

Today is the fourth day that the Hong Kong government has launched a national test. Zhou Kaixuan, executive director of the Li Ka-shing Foundation and founder of Horizons Ventures, said in an interview a few days ago that his company paid fortnightly to staff

Financial News

Written by: Kwong Yueting

2020-09-03 07:00

Last update date: 2020-09-03 07:00

Today is the fourth day of the Hong Kong government’s national testing. Zhou Kaixuan, executive director of the Li Ka-shing Foundation and founder of Horizons Ventures, said in an interview a few days ago that his company provided testing services to employees every two weeks at its own expense, so he did not participate. National testing: "Even if it is paid by the central government, we should not be a burden to the people."

She also revealed that Homodeus, a technology company in which Victoria Harbour has invested, is developing a home-use test kit project, using LAMP (loop-mediated isothermal amplification technology) to test whether there is a potential virus in the user's body. It is expected in October When it comes out, it is hoped that it can be launched in Hong Kong in the first round. "The cost is within dozens of mosquitoes, and everyone can afford it. It is a very cheap, accurate and fast test" for citizens to use at home.

Zhou Kaixuan (pictured right) said that Victoria Harbour Investment did not invest in new coronary pneumonia-related vaccines, but will support research projects in the form of funding.

(Photo by Kuang Yueting)

The Hong Kong government’s anti-epidemic work has attracted comments from time to time. Zhou Kaixuan believes that the epidemic is a new challenge for the world. Compared with other places, Hong Kong is still safe. As long as the public stick to their posts and perform their own duties, they are confident of this challenge. It will definitely pass. She praised the Hong Kong government for its "great contribution" in fighting the epidemic. The medical staff did a great job, but "there is always room for improvement."

If vaccines are sold in the market in the future, she will definitely be injected.

The epidemic is the biggest black swan in recent years. As a venture investor, Zhou Kaixuan said that she does not have a crystal ball to predict the future, but she will constantly look for the normal state of the future before making investments. At the same time, she will also think about how to use technology to support young people's entrepreneurship.

"Anger is not a motivation. Whether you choose (immigrate to) a second place, or stay in Hong Kong, or seize other opportunities, you have to take your own heart. I think if you want to outperform others, Must beat yourself!"

Zhou Kaixuan said that he has always liked cooking, and under the epidemic, he can have more time to cook.

(Photo by Kuang Yueting)

Need to think deeply about how to create the future for young people

In the past year, the anti-regulation campaign has caused increasing tension between the police and the public. Zhou Kaixuan said that the police have been working hard to maintain Hong Kong’s law and order and the prosperity of the society. Police; On the other hand, if there are individual demonstrators who have violent behaviors, not all demonstrators should label them. "Everyone must consider the problem from a rational point of view and build an ideal Hong Kong society in mind." When asked about what Hong Kong government officials should do If accountability stepped down, Zhou Kaixuan quoted from the Bible as saying that There is a time for everything. Everyone should think deeply about how to create a better future for young people, the general direction of the economic future, and emphasize that the most important thing for the public is to do well. Own work.

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