The Limited Times

Dwayne Johnson Confirms He And His Family Tested Positive For COVID-19

9/3/2020, 5:18:41 PM

Dwayne Johnson, known as The Rock, reveals that being infected with the coronavirus has been one of the “most challenging and complicated” moments for him, his wife and their daughters.

Hollywood star

Dwayne The Rock Johnson

and his family contracted COVID-19 in recent days

, however, 

their two daughters suffered a relapse accompanied by a dry throat for a couple of days.

It was through his social networks that the ex-wrestler

shared the diagnosis he made with his wife and daughters and classified this episode as "one of the most challenging and complicated" they have had to go through.

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But not only that, the actor also pointed out that they

were infected with coronavirus, due to some close friends of the family, who confessed that they did not know they were sick

, although later they confirmed that they were also positive for this disease that has the world in check whole. 

After facing difficult times, next to his wife and their little ones,

Johnson said that he has become more aware and made an urgent call to his fans to prevent the spread of the disease.

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In addition, La Roca asked his fans

not to forget the use of a mask, strengthen their immune system and commit to their physical well-being

, because after having experienced something like this it is very important to take care of their peers. 

And he noted,

“But I'm happy to tell you that we as a family are fine.

We are on the other side.

We are no longer contagious.

And we are, thank God, healthy ”


Although he pointed out that his two young daughters had mild symptoms, but that for him and his wife,

Lauren Hashian, it

was something different.


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