The Limited Times

Grief over the death of a UADE professor: she had coronavirus and became unbalanced in the middle of a virtual class

9/3/2020, 9:57:23 PM

Paola de Simone was 46 years old. She had been battling the disease for four weeks.

03/09/2020 - 18:49

  • Clarí

  • Society

Paola de Simone (46), a

professor at the Universidad Argentina de la Empresa (


) for fifteen years, 

died on Wednesday

 after a long battle against the coronavirus.

The teacher became unbalanced

while giving a virtual class

via Zoom.

Paola was married and had a daughter.

She graduated in Political Science and International Relations from USAL, specialized in Human Resources and was a teacher at UBA, and at Di Tella University.

On Friday, August 28, he had written on Twitter the situation that had been dragging: "

I have been more than 4 weeks and the symptoms do not go away

. A friend of ours is complicated. My husband is exhausted from working so much at the moment (medical therapy and emergencies) ", he counted.

On social media, the news generated shock and consternation.

Dozens of comments from students and colleagues

showed her human warmth, professionalism

, always underlining that Paola had a smile and permanent good will. 

According to the first versions, De Simone would have suffered an acute cardiovascular event, after decompensating

when he was teaching


One of the students present at the Zoom recorded the moment where they desperately tried to help the teacher.

The images would have been viralized on the networks, which generated indignation and rejection in the educational community.

- UADE (@UADEoficial) September 3, 2020

A brief statement was tweeted from the official address of the UADE: "We regret to report with deep sorrow the death of Paola Regina De Simone, professor at the Department of Government and International Relations. Paola was

a passionate and dedicated teacher, and a great person

, with more fifteen years of experience at UADE ".

From the blog Politlogos al Whiskey, with the title "In memory of Paola de Simone (1973-2020), a letter highlights the professional scrolls and her gift of people:" Her students will always remember her for her constant support,

the vocation she transmitted in each of his classes and the love he instilled

in those who, like us, embarked on the path of studying Political Science and International Relations ".

Another passage emphasizes "the quality of person that Paola was,

passed the academic field and extended to the optimistic reception of each meeting

and the words of encouragement that she always had for whoever needed her. She taught humanity and understanding from the example, always paying attention to her students, being generous and unique. "

“Excellent teacher but above all an excellent person, loved and admired by all her students.

Unforgettable teacher, one of those who give you a hand in everything

, who make you love what you study, who go out of their way for their students.

We are going to miss you a lot ”, Agustina points out.

Farewell to a friend.

We are going to miss you, @paolillabombon.

- Facundo Cruz 💚 (@facucruz) September 2, 2020

“Willing, committed, responsible, partner, are some adjectives that help describe an incredible teacher, who above all, was a beautiful person.

Never, not in our worst days, did he let go of our hand


We are never going to forget you, Pao ", details Valentina.

“Paola marked the careers of many with her incessant phrases, which made us cope with the bad moments that we could be facing, understand things better and, above all, learn.

A huge loss, but a memory that will persist today and forever

for those who were his students.

We're going to miss you, "Natasha says.

“Paola left, but

she first taught us love for what we choose to do

, empathy for those around us and curiosity for the world.

Thank you, teacher, always, "underlines Sofia, as part of a handful of students moved and grateful to De Simone, who are the voices of hundreds.