The Limited Times

Peiting mourns Jochen Zeller: Café Central-Wirt dies in a car accident - and leaves behind a small daughter

9/3/2020, 8:57:28 AM

Mourning in Peiting: Jochen Zeller, host of Café Central, died in a car accident at the age of 48. Wife, daughter and partner say goodbye.

Mourning in Peiting: Jochen Zeller, host of Café Central, died in a car accident at the age of 48.

Wife, daughter and partner say goodbye.

  • The bad news, it has been making the rounds in Peiting since the weekend:

  • Last Thursday, Jochen Zeller, one of the two owners of Café Central, was killed in a car accident.

  • He leaves behind his partner and his two and a half year old daughter.

Peiting mourns the loss of Jochen Zeller (48) - since 2016 host of Café Central


- It has been a few days since the terrible accident, but

Janek Kozak

still can't believe that he will never see his friend and business partner again.

He and

Jochen Zeller had

known each other for 22 years

, and together they took over Café Central in Peiting in 2016.

One the restaurateur, the other the businessman - two that complement each other perfectly.

"He was a life-affirming person, a cool guy," says Janek Kozak of his friend.

Someone who has both feet on the ground.

Until last Thursday.

Peitinger Wirt dies in a car accident in Unterallgäu - rescuers can no longer do anything for him

Jochen Zeller is on the road in Unterallgäu on this day, wants to overtake a car in front of him in a long curve.

He comes off the road to the left and loses control of his vehicle.

The car crashes into a crash barrier and throws 30 meters through the air.

Rescue workers rush over, but for the 48-year-old Buchloer any help comes too late.

Death news hits partner out of nowhere - condolence book in the café

The news of death that Zeller's partner later receives, "I couldn't even realize it," says Janek Kozak.

The following Friday the Central is closed because of the bereavement, work is out of the question.

The next day, Janek Kozak unlocks again, it has to go on, somehow, even if it's difficult.

They put up a condolence book for the deceased landlord, and many guests have already signed up since then.

The dismay over the tragic accident is great.

"Many knew him, he was often there," says his friend.


Friday (September 4th)

, they can say goodbye together.


2 p.m. Jochen Zeller is

buried in the

cemetery (Am Graben) in Buchloe



Café Central

will be closed on that day.

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