The Limited Times

Positive child at Covid, closed two classes in Paris

9/3/2020, 5:15:34 PM

First two classes closed for cases of positivity to Covid-19 in Paris after the reopening of schools last Monday. (HANDLE)

(ANSA) - PARIS, 03 SEPT - First two classes closed due to cases of positivity at Covid-19 in Paris after the reopening of schools last Monday. The closure of the classes and the quarantine for the children who are part of it was ordered after the positivity emerged for a child of the Gros elementary school, in the 16th arrondissement.

    The child found positive is in third grade, his class has been closed and his classmates isolated. Same treatment for the class of the younger brother, enrolled in the nursery in the same institution.

    In recent days, two schools have been closed in the Rhône-Alpes region, not far from Lyon, after the identification of positive cases at Covid-19, including a teacher. (HANDLE).