The Limited Times

Stimulus plan: unions demand compensation from companies

9/3/2020, 3:09:17 PM

The unions mainly regret that the assistance provided to companies is not accompanied by an obligation to hire.

The government's two-year 100 billion stimulus plan does not include any counterparts in terms of employment, regretted Thursday the secretary general of the CGT, Philippe Martinez, his counterpart from FO Yves Veyrier, and the CFDT.

Read also: Will the recovery plan “save” the French economy?

Two economists answer

Response to the crisis caused by the Covid-19 pandemic, the government has detailed a plan to prepare France for 2030. It aims to create 160,000 jobs in 2021, Prime Minister Jean Castex said Thursday on RTL, and to return to the pre-crisis level of activity in 2022.


All this aid - that's a lot of billions - is not associated with counterparts, we give money and we will see what happens

", denounced Philippe Martinez, number one of the CGT questioned on France 2, regretting the 'absence of announcements for employees of “

the second line, I am thinking of cashiers, employees of shops, home helpers, security guards


Aid of 4000 euros for any hiring by companies of a young person under 26 is "

not conditional on hiring on a permanent contract

", he cited as an example.

“We gave money to Air France

, to Renault, what is the consequence?

It's job cuts.

Will public aid be used for that?

"For the desired revival of rail freight,"

are we going to hire railway workers to allow trains to run in good conditions?

“, Also asked Mr. Martinez.


We need money, but this money must be conditional on employment, working conditions, the revival of wages,

" said the union leader.

A consensus among the unions

The CGT, recently joined by the FSU, Solidaires and youth organizations (Fidl, MNL, Unef, UNL), calls for a day of strikes and demonstrations on September 17.

Yves Veyrier, the number one of Force Ouvrière, went in the same direction, regretting on RTL that in general the recovery plans are "

never conditioned on employment



It is never measured, it is never controlled, let alone sanctioned



The issue of salary must be part of the recovery plan

", he added, also inviting that we "

do not forget the employees of the second line

", "

all at the minimum wage, in precarious employment"


In a press release, the CFDT pointed out "

the significant leeway given to companies (which) engage their responsibility in terms of job preservation, ecological transition, sharing of wealth and social dialogue


To read also: Ecological transition, industrial competitiveness ... What the recovery plan contains

For its part, the CFDT calls for opinions from the Social and Economic Committee (CSE) in companies "

on the use of public aid to guarantee that it will be well invested, in each company, in ecological transition and quality employment.


During the press conference to present the plan, Élisabeth Borne promised that the government would ensure

"the counterpart to employment

", in particular "

thanks to clauses in public contracts

" but also to "

commitments from companies and partner branches of France Relance on recruitment
