The Limited Times

The coronavirus vaccine enters the US election campaign

9/3/2020, 9:30:11 PM

The Donald Trump Administration advises states to be ready for distribution as of November 1Donald Trump, at a pharmaceutical company in North Carolina.Carlos Barria / Reuters Although he insistently reduces the severity of the pandemic, even with the more than 185,000 deaths in the United States who test it, Donald Trump is aware that there is no greater electoral trump card than offering a vaccine against covid-19. And just before the American people go to the polls on November 3. In

Donald Trump, at a pharmaceutical company in North Carolina.Carlos Barria / Reuters

Although he insistently reduces the severity of the pandemic, even with the more than 185,000 deaths in the United States who test it, Donald Trump is aware that there is no greater electoral trump card than offering a vaccine against covid-19.

And just before the American people go to the polls on November 3.

In a letter sent to the 50 States of the Union, the Republican Administration has asked its leaders to be prepared so that the vaccine is available on November 1, two days before the presidential vote.

In a desperate way and with clear political motivations, the vaccine to prevent the coronavirus has entered the campaign.

Through the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC, in its acronym in English), governors are asked "urgently" for "their help in expediting the start-up of distribution facilities" and they are called upon to remove any “eventual obstacles” that could prevent the opening of these places.

According to CDC Director Robert Redfield, a guide has also been sent out to assist in what he sees as "the daunting task" of organizing distribution.

In the documents sent to state health agencies, the CDC warns that certain groups will have priority when receiving the vaccine, such as health workers, essential personnel (such as police), employees of industries such as food and seniors.

In that same information, the CDC talks about the preparation of two vaccines against coronavirus which it refers simply as "Vaccine A" and "Vaccine B".

According to

The New York Times newspaper

, these two vaccines correspond to those developed by the American laboratories Moderna and Pfizer.

  • United States willing to approve its covid vaccine before completing clinical trials

The United States, which already exceeds 6,100,000 confirmed cases of coronavirus and 185,000 deaths from the disease, currently has three vaccines in clinical trials in phase 3 (which is the most extensive and rigorous of the process of testing a vaccine) , developed respectively by Moderna and the National Institute of Allergies and Infectious Diseases (NIAID);

by Pfizer and BioNTech;

and by AstraZeneca and the University of Oxford.

With his double dialectic of marginalizing scientific voices and giving absurd advice such as drinking bleach to cure covid-19, at the same time the president has allocated billions of public dollars to finance and help accelerate experimental vaccines in what is known as Maximum Speed ​​Operation.

The president is playing a lot in the achievement of a vaccine, since against his opponent, Joe Biden, he does not have a strong economy to sell or job growth.

Rather the complete opposite.

Pfizer's vaccine, ready at the end of October

Just this Thursday, the American Pfizer, through its executive director, Albert Bourla, assured that the pharmaceutical company should know by the end of October if the vaccine it is developing is successful.

If so, I would submit it for approval immediately.

This last point is not without controversy either, since the Trump Administration has ensured that it is willing to approve the use of a vaccine before the normal process of clinical trials is completed and it passes the safety control of the FDA (Agency of U.S. Medications).

According to an interview with the director of the FDA, Stephen Hahn, published by the

Financial Times

, "an eventual authorization of the emergency use of the vaccine is not the same as a complete approval."

Hanh was criticized by the scientific community for his possible collusion in a political motivation if he agreed to shorten the process for the official approval of the vaccine.

And yet Trump accuses the FDA itself of slowing down work on vaccines to harm him politically.

Hahn repeatedly defends himself saying that "science" will guide any decision.

Information about the coronavirus

- Here you can follow the last hour on the evolution of the pandemic

- This is how the coronavirus curve evolves in Spain and in each autonomy

- Download the tracking application for Spain

- Search engine: The new normal by municipalities

- Guide to action against the disease