The Limited Times

The Livestock Abuse Case in Hao King Garden│District Councillors petitioned to protest against the “release of life” and those involved in the case urge the Department of Justice to explain

9/3/2020, 11:33:16 AM

On February 14 this year, a case of animal abuse occurred in the Haojing Garden, Sham Tseng. 30 pets were brutally pinched off the street, resulting in a tragedy of 18 deaths and 12 injuries. The police pursued the residents of the unit involved and finally arrested two men. Half a year later

District 18 News

Written by: Zeng Fengting

2020-09-03 19:26

Last update date: 2020-09-03 19:26

On February 14 this year, a case of animal abuse occurred in the Haojing Garden, Sham Tseng. 30 pets were brutally pinched off the street, resulting in a tragedy of 18 deaths and 12 injuries.

The police pursued the residents of the unit involved and finally arrested two men.

Half a year later, the police had completed the investigation of the case, but the Attorney General decided not to prosecute after considering the evidence.

The incident has aroused public attention, and even more people feel indignant. They do not understand why the Attorney General has decided to abandon the prosecution of the persons involved and questioned whether they intend to "release" the persons involved.

Today (3rd), the Democrats of Tsuen Wan District Councillors and people from the district launched a petition on the incident. They shouted "Love animals, life is valuable, and protest against the release of murderers by the Department of Justice." Reform the untimely animal protection law.

Some district councillors indicated that they would propose a temporary motion on the incident at the meeting of the Environment, Health and Climate Change Committee held today.

The District Office and the chairman of the committee accepted the petition letter.

(Photo by Zeng Fengting)

When the district community director Tan Beixin said that he was unclear about the Attorney’s Department’s practice of "releasing animals", "If someone surrenders, they will be released if they are established. Are animals not life?" She said that the government said last year that it would amend the animal protection law, but this year it released animals. Those involved are very contradictory.

She recalled the situation after the animals were pinched off the street that day. "At that time, a cat had been hiding in the ditch after the incident. She was very scared when she saw people." She pointed out that cats naturally like to be clean and hide in the ditch. Against nature.

Therefore, she believes that this incident not only caused physical damage to it, but also caused great psychological damage to it.

Fortunately, four of the surviving cats have been successfully adopted by the Ai Xie.

The community director Tan Beixin said that he was unclear about the Department of Justice's practices. “Someone surrenders, and if there is evidence, they will be released. Are animals not life?” (Photo by Zeng Fengting)

Tan Beixin said that when he arrived at the place involved in the early morning that day, he discovered that a cat had been hiding in the ditch after the incident.

(Profile picture)

Tan Beixin was puzzled by the Department of Justice’s failure to explain the withdrawal of the complaint. "Is this reasonable?" She urged the Department of Justice to explain clearly to the public. She also believed that the government needs to speed up the reform of the existing animal protection regulations.

Regarding the press release issued by the Department of Justice earlier that prosecution can only be initiated if there is new evidence to prove the incident, she urged the public to provide relevant information as soon as possible if they have relevant information. She also hopes that the public can prompt the Department of Justice to respond to the incident in different ways. , And reform existing laws as soon as possible.

Ms. Tseng, a resident of Hao King Garden, hopes that the police can investigate the incident in depth again, and restore justice to the animals and reassure the public.

(Photo by Zeng Fengting)

Ms. Zeng, a resident of Haojing Garden, expressed that she was afraid of the incident, and she bluntly felt that her life was threatened.

She did not understand why the police did not conduct an in-depth investigation, hoping that they could give the animals justice and at the same time reassure the public.

In addition, she is also puzzled by the reasons for the withdrawal of the complaint by the Department of Justice, and hopes to reinvestigate the incident.

Tsuen Wan District Councillor Liu Chih-hsiung questioned the Attorney General's practice and believed that the suspect should be punished by law.

(Photo by Zeng Fengting)

Tsuen Wan District Councillor Lau Chih-hung said that a provisional motion on the incident will be proposed in the District Council today, asking the Attorney General to clarify the removal of control, and the motion will also be voted at the meeting.

He believes that people must respect nature and protect animals. He does not understand that when a suspect surrenders, the Attorney General will not prosecute. He believes that the suspect should be punished by law.

Tsuen Wan District Councillor Yi Chengcong: "Various evidences prove that the two households have cruelty animals. The most basic thing is to drop the animals off the building. This behavior is already the clearest guide." (Photo by Zeng Fengting)

Tsuen Wan District Councillor Yi Chengcong believes that there is sufficient evidence to prosecute the incident. "Various evidences prove that two households have cruelty animals. The most basic act is to drop the animals off the building. This behavior is already the clearest guide." He hopes that through society. The public is concerned about the incident and urges the Department of Justice to respond positively.

He also criticized Hong Kong's animal protection law for being backward compared with other countries. He hoped that outside the district council level, through other people of concern, he would put pressure on the Department of Justice to respond to the incident.

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18 District News Animal Rights Protection Animal Cruelty and Animal Protection Association Animal Carcasses Tsuen Wan Community

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