The Limited Times

The second referendum against the construction of a new DIY store in Peiting is running slowly - how things will continue

9/4/2020, 2:06:52 PM

After the referendum is before the referendum in Peiting - or is it? Almost eight weeks after the start, the second collection of signatures from the V-Baumarkt opponents is making slow progress. Time is running out to prevent the construction project.

After the referendum is before the referendum in Peiting - or is it?

Almost eight weeks after the start, the second collection of signatures from the V-Baumarkt opponents is making slow progress.

Time is running out to prevent the construction project.

  • It is the second attempt by the DIY store opponents after the first referendum was inadmissible.

  • Time is of the essence because the development plan could be legally valid by the end of October.

  • A decision has not yet been made on the action at the administrative court.


- Around 860 signatures are needed to initiate a referendum in Peiting.

But the opponents of the new V-Baumarkt building on Zeißlerweg are still a long way from this number.

"We currently have around half of the required signatures," says Anna-Maria Fedisch.

In mid-July, the woman from Peitinger, together with other supporters, initiated the referendum.

It is the second attempt after the municipal council declared the first referendum in June to be inadmissible due to formal errors.

Actually, the DIY store opponents were optimistic that they would be able to collect more than 1000 signatures by the summer vacation.

They did not expect that they would lag significantly behind this goal almost six weeks later.

“Of course I'm disappointed because we had hoped for more,” says Fedisch in frustration.

It is possible that everything is too much for the scoundrels at the moment, she speculates.

Corona, the Marienheim referendum, the squabble around the V-Baumarkt referendum.

Many, with whom one spoke, were also irritated that they had to sign again.

Some people have changed their minds and are no longer so critical of the hardware store project, according to the initiator, who has moved from house to house with her colleagues in recent weeks to solicit signatures.

Hardware store opponents want to keep fighting

After the clear result of the Marienheim referendum, Fedisch was even on the verge of throwing everything out.

"The thought was there." But that is now yesterday's news, the Peitinger and her colleagues want to keep fighting.

With a flyer to all households in the next week, they want to explain to the Peitingers their reasons why they think the new construction of the V-Baumarkt in the planned size with almost 8000 square meters of sales area is wrong.

“It remains our goal to complete the lists so that the people from Peitingen can decide whether they want the DIY store and garden center,” confirms Fedisch.

The opponents no longer have too much time to collect the missing signatures.

At the next municipal council meeting in mid-September, the committee will weigh up the comments received after the first interpretation of the development plan.

This is followed by the second public exhibition.

Mayor Peter Ostenrieder expects the process to be completed by the end of October.

This would make the development plan legally binding, and in his opinion a referendum would come too late.

The company could then submit the building application.

If everything goes smoothly, the construction work for the DIY store and garden center could start as early as next spring, estimates the town hall chief.

Lawsuit before the administrative court: The reason is still missing

There remains the lawsuit that Fedisch's lawyer Peter Duvinage wanted to file against the rejection of the first petition before the administrative court.

This was done on time, says Duvinage when asked by the local newspaper, which Ostenrieder also confirms.

However, the reason is still missing.

"It will be submitted in the next few days," announced the lawyer.

So it remains exciting in terms of V-Baumarkt.

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