The Limited Times

Coronavirus, three positives Chievo, friendly jumps with Padua

9/5/2020, 3:18:18 PM

Calcio Padova and Chievo Verona announce that the friendly match scheduled for this afternoon has been canceled (ANSA)

Calcio Padova and Chievo Verona announce that the friendly match scheduled for this afternoon has been canceled, as three positives to Covid-19 were highlighted in the staff of the clivensi.

The positive members - reports Calcio Padova - have already been isolated and are asymptomatic, and the whole team group has been subjected to analysis again.

As a precaution and to protect the members of Padova, the Chievo team did not go to the Euganeo stadium.

In place of the friendly match, Padova will carry out a normal training session behind closed doors, in compliance with the health protocol established by the Football Federation.