The Limited Times

Sofía Herrera case: "I will never forget what I saw", the key testimony to "mark" the suspect

9/5/2020, 3:04:25 PM

He was at the campsite the day the baby disappeared. She was six years old but she did three speaking portraits and they were always the same. Now they ask for the capture of a Chilean citizen when.

Carlos Guajardo

09/05/2020 - 11:26

  • Clarí

  • Society

-I tell what happened.

What I saw.

He was very young.

But I will never forget.

Nestor works as a bricklayer's laborer.

Despite the pandemic, he has some scabs.

He has already turned 18 and is the key witness to the disappearance of Sofía Herrera (3) on December 28, 2008 at a campsite in Río Grande, Tierra del Fuego.

The disappearance of the girl shocked the country.

And the country is still shaken.

Justice resolved in the last hours to request the national and international capture of a Chilean citizen.

Nestor was the last to see Sofía, along with a dog and a car, when she was led by the subject's hand.

Nestor was 6 years old and his testimony was never taken into account.

Or they said it was "not solid."

But the three times in these 12 years he described the face of

Dagoberto Díaz Aguilar,

he did so in the same way.

He did it just was the fact, at 6 years old.

Later at 16. And now that he is 18. He always said the same thing.

He always described the same thing.

"I will never forget it," Nestor told



“He was very young, he didn't know Sofía very much, he saw her from time to time.

That day 'Paloma' (that's how they say to her sister Naomi) invited me to spend the day with them at the campsite and I went, "he added.

And he said that "I saw a car, a dog and the man take Sofia by the hand."

The marches.

It was the last when 11 years were turned.

All of Rio Grande asks for the baby (Herrera Family)

A few days ago a new spoken portrait of the young man was made.

And it was compared to a photo of Díaz Aguilar in a file he has in 2016 for an attempted murder in Rio Grande.

He is in court number 2 of that Fuegian city.

“On August 15 we compared the photo with the identikit made with the description of the young man and

there is a 75 percent match.

An important sign to continue with the investigation and request the capture of the Chilean citizen, ”

the family lawyer



Francisco Ibarra.

Methods were used to "age" the drawing and the photo.

Ibarra told this newspaper a hitherto unknown story.

“In 2015, the Chilean citizen was picked up by a policeman on the road.

On the trip

he told her that he knew what had happened to Sofía Herrera.

The policeman (surnamed Vázquez) asked him what he knew.

“A friend of mine found her crying in a fox trap.

He hit her and killed her ”.

The friend truly existed but it was found that in 2008 he was not in the province.

The one who was there was Díaz Aguilar, who is about 50 years old and is considered a nomad.

He lives in different places both in Chile and Argentina.

Cross the border with ease through unregistered locations.

María Elena and Paloma in one of the many marches.

Always together since that fateful day at the campsite.

(Herrera family)

Sofía disappeared on September 28, 2008 when she went out with her parents and friends to spend a relaxing Sunday at the John Goodall campsite, located 59 kilometers south of Rio Grande.

María Elena, her husband Fabián Herrera and Sofía stopped at a supermarket to buy food and then at a service station where they met Noemí Elizabeth “Paloma” Ramírez and Silvio Giménez, who in turn were with their children aged 2 and 9 years.

Also there was the brother of "Paloma", Nestor, 6 years old.

The group arrived at the campsite located at kilometer 2893 of National Route 3, in two cars that parked near the road.

The place, an almost deserted area, is a 15 hectare rectangle

fenced with a one meter high wire and six threads, the first of which is barbed.

Sofía disappeared around 11. She was walking around the campsite and when her parents started calling her, she never answered.

Quickly, more than 300 people from the town found out about the disappearance and went looking for her.

“People with good will went all over the campsite, every corner.

But that could erase all the evidence.

The police arrived two hours later and the place was never cordoned off, "

added attorney Ibarra.

And he said that "once we found the place where Díaz Aguilar stopped for some time and we found a sachet of milk that expired in 2008. Too much chance."

Now, the case has taken a new momentum since in 2017 it was in the hands of Judge Daniel Césari Hernández, who requested the national and international capture a few days after the 12th anniversary of the disappearance of Sofia.

Sofía's parents and a search that does not end.

"I'm never going to stop looking for her," Mom said.


“I try to get over what happened.

We have to keep going.

Remembering that doesn't do me any good even though I was very young.

I always said what I saw that day, what I still remember.

What I will never forget ”, added Néstor.

His sister described him as “a boy who at that time was very detailed, he noticed everything.

Very restless.

And smart.

Today is a correct boy.

At 18 he goes out to earn a living as he can. "

The woman also said that “we always accompany María Elena.

Many things are said on social networks.

But we are in this pain together. "The 75 percent similarity of Nestor's spoken portrait and the photo in court give hope of finding the man who took Sofia that first week of spring 2008. For the judge and the lawyer, Ibarra is

a "sufficient indication" to request the capture.

When all the procedures are completed in the court, the new identikit and the photo of the wanted man will be released. "It may be on Monday or Tuesday", Ibarra expressed.

Dagoberto Díaz Águila, a 50-year-old man considered a "country nomad" who is nicknamed "scare the virgin" has no fixed place to stop.

Born in 1969 in Chiloé, Chile, he is from Changarín occupation, but has a history of cattle ranching and petty theft.

In addition, in 2016 he went up to a radio antenna to threaten to kill himself if he did not get "home and work."

Soon after, he was arrested for an attempted murder.

It was found that he was in Río Grande in September 2008 and has already testified as a witness.

There was a defendant in the case: the caretaker of the camping Alberto Urrutia, a retiree from Entre Ríos who was immediately dismissed.

Sofía Herrera will turn 16 on December 30.

As her mother María Elena Delgado always said "we will be waiting for her."

The woman does not lower her arms and together with her husband and friends, she searches for her with every clue, with every piece of information she receives.

It has traveled thousands of kilometers across the country.

And it is sure to take thousands more if need be.

She toured squares and ports.

She walked streets, crossed borders.

She knocked on all the doors she could.

From the intact piece of Sofía, surrounded by her dolls and stuffed animals, she does not seek resignation but hope.

With the same firmness and integrity as always, he told


: “I will never stop looking for my daughter.


