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"Survival": This Is The Worthy Survivor Of The Season | Israel today

9/7/2020, 2:23:29 PM

| TVWho will disappoint? Who surprised for good? Who did we manage to forget? And what would have happened had it not been for retirement? • We ranked all the survivors towards the final • Do you agree with the first place? After almost 60 episodes, 13 rejections and endless quarrels and shouts, we are in the final line: in six days we will know who will be the last survivor of "VIP Survival". Althou

Who will disappoint?

Who surprised for good?

Who did we manage to forget?

And what would have happened had it not been for retirement?

• We ranked all the survivors towards the final • Do you agree with the first place?

After almost 60 episodes, 13 rejections and endless quarrels and shouts, we are in the final line: in six days we will know who will be the last survivor of "VIP Survival".

Although we do not pretend to predict who will be the last to win a million, because you will know what else the production has in store for us, but just before the end, here is the ranking of our contestants, from the least worthy to the most worthy.

Little Samadja

Sorry, but we really prefer to forget Little's participation this season, so instead we will summarize her participation in "The Beautiful and the Nerd."

Well, Little was a totalistic and unassuming contender, who loves to have sex with Alex the chick and with the help of her wonderful mood and infectious enthusiasm, managed to get out of the nerd sides he also did not know, all the way to victory.

Then there was something with a lot of shouting, a lot of * beauties *, Israel, Kozi, hypocrisy ... Oops, all of a sudden we remembered how it felt to watch her on the island.

Why do we deserve it?

• Ready for it?

Little Samadja's next reality show

Rating:% $ # @% ^ @ !!!

Dana Ron

What was not said about the woman, the blonde mushroom and the hat?

That she gave up easily, that she "stung" the system and that the connection between her and the game makes as much sense as Idan and Jordan will finish the final under the canopy.

No doubt after the build-up in the promos, we expected to see more of her, but apparently Ron was less urgent to pick up the title of Last Survivor.

Instead she settled for the title of "the most shrewd businesswoman on the island."

• The worst casting in the history of "Survival"

Rating: Zero Machines

Nava Boker

The woman who apparently came to the island just to allow Bnei Baruchim the pearl of wisdom "Nava? Boker" would have easily picked up the last place, had it not been for Dana Ron and won the least worthy surviving competition.

But, as mentioned, Nava was not really involved in the game either - from the first moment she grumbled about her image and concept, and even throughout the game she failed to prove herself in the missions.

In the end, she also finished her way in the program earlier than expected - even the make-up had not yet come off.

• The whole truth behind Nava Boker's retirement

Rating: Half Macheta

Nicole Reznikov

Model Nikol Reznikov came to the island armed with ... that is, Nicole's big mistake was when ... actually, her best friend Nicole ... left, we really do not know too many details about this girl.

Just remember she was.

• All about "Survival"

Rating: One machete

Zohar Strauss

Ahh, Zohar, Zohar, Zohar.

How many hopes we hung on you, how much we rejoiced in the face of your tests, how much we flew over you and hoped you would get far.

Well, that did not happen.

Asi Buzaglo approached you with a ready-made alliance, arranged the forms for you, submitted everything - just sign!

For your part, you preferred to be suspicious in the first place instead of advancing in the game and later exploring your options.

The result?

A betrayal up front sponsored by Asi, with a little help from my son's acting skills.

The whole world in what, you know.

• Zohar Strauss reveals: "I broke three ribs"

Rating: Two machetes

Witness Beatty

One of the big stars on paper, had to work hard to earn her place on the island.

In fact, from the first moment it seemed that all she was interested in was proving that she was more than a cute, blonde girl.

And it worked.

After storming the first loot mission, she managed to light a fire and also succeeded here and there in missions, she seemed to be on the highway.

That is, until her alliance ran into a minority and the young contestant in the game found herself ousted prematurely.

Miss you, Beatty!

Adi Beatty regrets

Rating: Three machetes

Semyon Grafman

"Solnishka!", "Dwai!", And of course "Crack!": If you also smile now, it's just because despite his shortcomings, Semyon was the cutest contender on the island and it's not a simple thing, in a nerve-wracking strategic game where you are constantly hungry (Ask Little).

True, he was arrogant and annoying at times, a bit domineering even, but in the end, while on the island - Semyon gave a job and managed to lead his tribe in the right way.

How unfortunate that in the end a strategic mistake he made led to his dismissal from the game.

Finalist contestant.

• Semyon Grafman and Nicole Reznikov approach

Rating: Three and a half machetes

David Dvir

The king of dancers, a graduate of the tribe, the father of dragons - and an unpleasant survivor.

No big surprise to anyone who watched him judge the dance shows, and yet Dvir of the island was not entirely unexpected, emphasizing the incredible ability he demonstrated in the missions, leaving dust for many contestants and younger than him.

How unfortunate that a moment before the reunion, in a surprising move (what is colloquially called "production intervention") David was fired and we went to cry quietly to the sounds of "Swan Lake".

• Exposure: What they hid from you in "Survival"

Rating: four machetes

Ilana Avital

Wow, Ilana.

Although she was eliminated from the game at an early stage in Israel's course, she did not leave the game completely, but only traveled to the negotiating cabin.

From there she ran her own territory, with strange laws like the one where guests only sit on low chairs and everyone who comes gets an offer to make an alliance.

Let it be, let it not be lacking.

At a later stage she was dismissed, after being given the decidedly inconceivable name "Ilana Avikatel", and the editor on duty was finally able to move the song "Return to the Sea" to the recycling bin.

• Pre-determined ablution: Who destroyed the "survival"?

Rating: four and a half machetes

Regev Hood

Regev would have coped just fine.

Really, we have no bad word to say about him.

Kind, entertaining, singing songs.

Demonstrated even a shred of strategy as he marched towards the rival "Capra" tribe to take from them some object and a reward returned with the precious tarpaulin.

But other than that, remember nothing.

But hey, we've re-addicted to "I'm not a king."

• Who was the breeze to Regev Hood?

Rating: Five machetes

These are Ayalon

On the one hand sins are not mentioned to one who has repented, but on the other hand we are not dosed.

Ella is probably the contestant who has absorbed the most fire during the season, but it must be admitted that she also spared no insults from her friends to the island, and specifically one, Benny Baruchim.

Carried on the look and image of an international model, Ella starred in more tests than she did in the game itself, usually when she said something uplifting about herself or something insulting about someone else.

Towards the end she also seemed to realize that things were a bit out of control and we admit that her dismissal left us divided.

And we are Macheta!

Ella Ayalon: "I made mistakes, sorry"

Rating: Five and a half machetes

Israel Oglebo

The roller coaster named Israel Oglebo took us during the season for a piece of emotional rotation.

We started the season when we were torn about him and his poisoning, later we got upset about the violent line he took, and towards the end we were already completely confused.

On the one hand, he is exciting and his life story is indeed not simple, and on the other hand does it justify the way he conducted himself?

Israel was a contender we will remember from this season - for better or for worse, and he too will probably never forget this experience.

We would not bet on him as the last survivor, but as a finalist?

There is a situation.

• Israel Oglebo admits: "We exaggerated"

Rating: six machetes

 Ido Kozikaro

We have a confession - at the beginning of the season we also fell into a stereotype about the high mountain of muscles called Ido Kozikaro and instead we decided that in order to deal with the fear, we would join the survivors and call it the heart of "Kozi".

it worked.

Although Kozi did not quite manage to disprove the image that emerged with us - we still remember quarrels and tumultuous moments in which he was involved and unsuccessful jokes he told (remember the Bible?), But at the same time Kozi was also a good friend and a strong contender and we got mad When he left.

Kozi: "It's easy to judge from the armchair at home"

Rating: Seven Machetes

 My sons are welcome

Ahh, my son my son, my son is annoying.

Just, not really!

It's just fun to say it, give it a try too.

Well, if you insist, my son was really a little annoying, but he was also a graceful and charming contender and especially a classic underdog who got a lot of fire from Mrs. Ayalon.

Although he repeatedly stated that here was another moment he flew, Benny managed to surprise and survive in the game another dismissal and another dismissal.

As is well known, with success comes appetite, and with it the zigzags between the various alliances, until it is ejected from the game.

Good luck to Hagit.

• 6 reasons: This is how we fell in love with Bnei Baruchim

Rating: Seven and a half machetes

Asi Buzaglo

On the one hand, he is a strong, influential and charismatic contender, who is responsible for some of the most successful kings of the season and of course for the immortal line and "Assi surfer".

On the other hand, he shared with Israel a violent and sucking form of discourse and took part in the aliyah over Alina, which is enough to take us away from him.

And yet, in the end, Asi was a prominent and significant survivor on the island, leading his tribe to victories and so he still gets a high rating from us.

However, we have a feeling that if he reaches the final, the jury will be less generous than us.

• Following the criticism: Asi Buzaglo reacts angrily

Rating: Eight machetes

Alina Levy

First, it has to be said that the gap between the last time we saw Alina Levy (in the second season of "Big Brother", more than a decade ago) and today's Alina is just huge - for good.

Alina came to the game armed with an erupting feminine power, and was not afraid to express her position and stand up even to the toughest rooster in "Anting Anting" (yes Asi, it's you).

At one point she caught a crossfire and lowered her head, but eventually found herself a new alliance with Jordan and Idan and now it remains to be seen if she will do the unbelievable and reach the final.

• Alina: "Nobody took care of me"

Rating: Eight and a half machetes

A lovable era

Idan started the season as a guy that everyone wants to be his friends.

The singer felt with the guitar, the guy who does not shout and does not get excited, the one who gives everything he has and also contributes good advice to others.

But then came the twist and it turned out that everything was actually a strategy - we admit, we were surprised when the era of Lassie joined a secret alliance.

Although so far he is playing the double game optimally, it seems that the situation did not come naturally to him and seeing his difficulty in ousting his girlfriend to the game, Jordan.

Will both really qualify for the finals in the end?

Because we would love to see them fight for the title in a head-to-head battle.

• Warrior reminds Idan Habib: "You saved my life"

Rating: Nine machetes

Jordan Jerby

One of the most decorated contestants in the game, is also probably one of the most deserving survivors to win it.

Jordan Jerby played a clean but uncompromising game;

She did not give up on herself and gave everything she had and more in tasks.

On the social side, too, she was quite a spin - not as sociable as Semyon, but we certainly remember well for example the fact that she passed on her chain of immunity to my son.

She did all this in one covenant, without zigzagging or making sharp turns, but simply being herself.

This in itself has been a serious award piece.

• Survival pays off: a huge campaign for Jordan Jerby

Rating: Nine and a half machetes

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