The Limited Times

Slow cooking of meat is good for your health

9/7/2020, 6:42:19 PM

Studio points the finger against frying and grilling (ANSA)Slow cooking of meat is good for your health. In fact, all those modalities such as frying, grilling but also high heat caramelization, can be harmful. To say this is a study carried out by the University of South Australia and Gyeongsong National University that was published in the scientific journal Nutrients. "When red meat is seared at high temperatures, such as in grilling, roasting or fryi

Slow cooking of meat is good for your health.

In fact, all those modalities such as frying, grilling but also high heat caramelization, can be harmful.

To say this is a study carried out by the University of South Australia and Gyeongsong National University that was published in the scientific journal Nutrients.

"When red meat is seared at high temperatures, such as in grilling, roasting or frying, it creates compounds called 'advanced glycation end products' (Age) which, when consumed, can build up in the body and interfere with normal functions. cell phones, "explains Permal Deo, a researcher who conducted the study.

Consumption of foods with a high Age level, "can increase total daily Age intake by up to 25%", with higher levels that "contribute to vascular and myocardial stiffening, inflammation and oxidative stress, all signs of degenerative disease, "adds Deo.

Researchers found that a diet rich in red meat significantly increased Age levels in the blood, suggesting how this could contribute to the progression of cardiovascular disease.

"The message is clear enough: if we want to reduce the risk of heart disease, we must reduce the amount of red meat we eat or consider more how we cook it - adds the scholar - Frying, grilling and browning may be the preferred cooking methods for best chefs, but this may not be the best choice for people looking to reduce the risk of disease. If you want to reduce the risk of excess age, slow cooked meals may be a better option for health, long term".