The Limited Times

250 administrative procedures accessible online in 2022

9/9/2020, 8:54:21 PM

This is the goal announced by the Minister of Transformation and Public Service, Amélie de Montchalin, on Wednesday.

One billion euros is what the recovery plan provides to accelerate the digitization of state services.

A vast project to which the government has therefore decided to tackle, setting itself as the line of sight 2022.

To read also: Do ​​not say any more "I am bad in data processing", but "I make my digital transition"

"The 250 most usual administrative procedures will be accessible online in 2022"

, assured the Minister of Transformation and the Public Service, Amélie de Montchalin in an interview with Les

Echos on


“We cannot modernize the country and leave the state behind.

The recovery plan aims to build the France of 2030, we must ensure that the administration is in phase with the rest of the country and businesses which will be increasingly digital ”

, she explains.

To do so, the interministerial digital department (DINUM), under the authority of the Ministry of Transformation and the Civil Service, has launched an observatory of the quality of online procedures which lists the 250 most common administrative procedures. : declaration of resources to the CAF, establishment of a child's health certificate, application for a building permit, consultation of the Community and national customs tariff ... Among them, 28% are impossible to do online.

As for those that already are, this is in many cases a

“false digitization”


"You start an online process but quickly we ask you to send an additional mail"

, quotes Amélie de Montchalin as an example.

This is evidenced by the rate of dissatisfaction with some of these procedures, such as consulting and monitoring your traffic violation file.

Normally achievable online, it has collected only 30% satisfaction from users.

The same goes for requests for diploma certificates which are only partially feasible online and which only achieve a 33% satisfaction rate.

"All ministries are volunteers"

Of the billion euros,

“500 million will be used for projects internal to ministries, which relate to issues of digital infrastructure or cybersecurity.

This leaves 500 million for funds dedicated to interdepartmental tools, digital transformation and online procedures, which I will manage, ”

the Minister specifies.

In addition, in this sum, 90 million will be devoted to local authorities, specifies the ministry in



“We are going to set up a one-stop shop.

The candidate ministries will be able to say whether they wish to be eligible for funds from this envelope

[of 1 billion]


We will then establish specifications and a schedule.

The ministries will be helped and controlled by the interministerial digital direction ”

, he explains, assuring that

“ all the ministries having heard of it are voluntary ”


This is particularly the case of Justice, whose Minister Éric Dupond-Moretti said he was

"convinced that these dematerialized procedures will completely change the relationship of the litigant with the courts"

with the objective of filing complaints online, explains Amélie de Montchalin.

"The funds will be available in January 2021"

, further specifies the ministry.

According to Amélie de Montchalin, this plan, which also provides for

"achieving total accessibility for people with disabilities",

is also

"a lever of transformation for administrations"


Finally, it will lead to

"easier access to teleworking"

for officials and allow them

"to focus on advising and supporting households and businesses"
