The Limited Times

Corbeil: the Hélio printing press closes, the CGT singled out for its management of the "after"

9/9/2020, 7:45:21 PM

Taken over by its employees in 2012, the printing press will cease its activity. A new project could emerge but half of the employees will be

Hélio-Corbeil, it's over.

The printing press will stop production at the end of the week.

The factory has been located in the city center of Corbeil since 1829. Then known as the Crété printing house, it employed up to 3,000 workers.

Today, there are a little more than 80. Employees who in 2012 had saved their company, placed in receivership, by taking it over in the form of Scop (worker cooperative production company).

Helped by the region and Serge Dassault, former mayor of Corbeil, they were able to relaunch the activity.

But in 2018, the death of the billionaire, owner of the “Figaro”, precipitated the fall of Helio.

The newspaper had its TV magazine printed there, which represented more than 80% of the company's turnover.

A new digital printing project under study

Shortly after the death of Serge Dassault, the Figaro group announced that it wanted to withdraw by 2020, dealing a fatal blow to the company.

“Serge Dassault has always protected us.

He lent us money in 2012 ”, remind employees.

But at the time of closing, they divide.

The current management signed a promise to sell the Helio land a year ago, for an amount that would be around 15 million euros.

Enough to relaunch a new digital printing project elsewhere.

But only half of the employees would continue the adventure.

Employees denounce the control of the CGT

Among those who remain on the side, some are bitter and denounce the control of the CGT in the choice of employees who continue.

They also regret "a social plan at a discount".

“About 90% of the money from the sale of the land would be reinvested in the new project.

We are very happy that some of the employees can continue.

But those who remain will share the remaining 10%.

We want equity between those who stay and those who leave.

Have a dignified PSE and not just friends first!

It's a Scop, not a Scop CGT. ”

"We are not jealous of others, but we must also think of those who leave," asks an employee.

“What hurts is that it's the CGT that does that.

They fought against bosses and there, they crush us worse than them.

It's unfortunate, we really fall from the top, ”regrets another employee.

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During the last elections, last December, an independent list was assembled to run against the CGT, then the company's only union.

List refused by management.

On July 16, the courts revoked this decision, canceled the ballot and asked for new elections to be held before September 4 under penalty of 50 euros per day.

Elections which, a few days before the end of the activity, have still not been called.

When contacted, Bruno Arasa, elected chairman of the Scop and member of the CGT, was not available to respond to our requests.

Bruno Piriou, mayor of Corbeil-Essonnes, steps up to the plate

Bruno Piriou, the mayor (various left) of Corbeil-Essonnes, says he is sad about Helio's stoppage and hopes that a new project will emerge.

“I have to meet Bruno Arasa, the CEO of Scop, this Wednesday.

I will do everything to find them land and so that they stay in Corbeil-Essonnes. ”

For their part, the employees who will be part of the social plan say they have tried to meet the mayor, without success.

"I will also receive them," promises the city councilor.

The sale of the current land to an investor, “4 hectares are released and are part of the overhaul of the city center of Corbeil, notes Bruno Piriou.

This makes it possible to rethink a broken down city center.

This project will be the subject of a public debate, I hope in October ”.