The Limited Times

Covid-19: the scientific council considers the situation "worrying"

9/9/2020, 4:12:20 PM

Professor Delfraissy, Chairman of the Scientific Council, expresses his concern over the progression of the Covid.

The sentence caught the attention of the entire audience.

This Wednesday, while the president of the scientific council, responsible for enlightening the government during the Covid crisis, presented his new opinion - recommending to reduce the duration of isolation of positive people from fourteen to seven days -, Jean-François Delfraissy said the government would "be forced to make a number of tough decisions" "within eight to ten days at most" at an online press conference.

What does he mean by that?

The president of the scientific council said it himself: "France is now at a worrying level, which is not that of Spain but which is not far, with a lag perhaps of a fortnight and which is much more severe than that of Italy.


If France, in the midst of an epidemic recovery, is one of Europe's poor performers, will other cities, on the Marseille model, have to close their bars and restaurants earlier?

Or are we going towards a limitation of gatherings as in the United Kingdom, capped at 6 people from Monday?

Joined after the conference, Jean-François Delfraissy does not make explicit the term "difficult decisions to make", "I did not really say that", he said, "we are in a very contrasted situation, with a virus which leaves again without having any repercussions on the hospital system.

But if we continue like this, we will have saturation phenomena in intensive care in certain areas of Paca at the end of October ”.

To “trace” infected people, “we are not good!


Contacted, the virologist Bruno Lina, member of the scientific council and also present at the conference, affirms that we “need to change the lines a little compared to the current situation”.

“Test”, we have what it takes, he said.

"Isolate", an opinion of the scientific council, which will be discussed on Friday in the defense and security council, has just been issued on this subject.

But to “trace”, “we are not good!

»He exclaims.

"We realize that the method is based on the declarative", continues the virologist, in other words a suspected case is not obliged to report to Health Insurance and some patients are therefore not identified.

"We need to be more didactic, promote the tracing system like the Stop Covid application and keep in mind that if the explanation is not sufficient, perhaps we will have to take more difficult measures without being coercive and put a policeman behind each person ”.

We will not know more.

But, according to the expert, we must find a way "that there is an isolation and that it is respected" to control the spread of the virus.