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Covid-19: what the Scientific Council recommends for the isolation of cases and their contacts

9/9/2020, 2:00:21 PM

The president of this body responsible for advising the government believes that it will have to "take a number of different decisions.

The Minister of Health Olivier Véran had sold the wick, it is now official.

The Scientific Council recommends reducing the duration of the isolation period to seven days, instead of the fourteen recommended until then, we read in its opinion sent to the government on September 3 but posted online only this Wednesday, September 9.

There was no question, however, of sending a release message.

The government "will be forced to make a number of difficult decisions within eight to ten days maximum," said at the same time the president of the body, Jean-François Delfraissy, qualifying as "worrying" the level of the Covid-19 epidemic in France.

The daily number of new cases has been increasing for several weeks, and intensive care admissions are also on the rise.

Risk of contamination "under control" after seven days

According to these experts appointed by the executive, "the duration of the isolation must be equal to seven full days, for all cases of contamination or suspected contamination".

They estimate that, during the following week, that is to say the second part of the “fortnight” in force until then, “the residual risk can be perfectly controlled by the rigorous wearing of the surgical mask, and the scrupulous follow-up of the hygiene measures. and physical distancing ”.

For now, the Health Insurance and the Ministry of Health recommend fourteen days of isolation, as shown in our infographic below.

So much for the principle of reducing this duration, it will still be necessary to enforce it.

Because many individuals who have been around a patient or themselves positive but without symptoms do not always go until 14 days of isolation.

Reducing this period would make the measure more acceptable, and therefore better monitored.


Covid-19: shortening the fortnight, a good idea?

The Scientific Council recommends “a self-isolation strategy combining the promotion of the duty of solidarity with compensation measures presented as rights aimed at facilitating membership”.

These compensations include, in particular, a "bonus" in the event of "loss of income for self-employed professions", "work stoppage prescriptions allowing regulatory procedures", or even "medical certificates" for forced minors. not to go to school, college or high school.

Not compulsory (for the moment)

But this will remain in the order of the recommendations addressed to the people concerned.

For the moment, there is no question of making isolation compulsory because "the risk is significant of reducing adherence to screening and early diagnosis", reads this opinion.

"This scenario could nevertheless be applied in the event of an acute resumption of the epidemic and / or failure of the self-isolation strategy", adds the Scientific Council.

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Seven mistakes to avoid with your mask

Finally, the experts insist on the need to deploy “communication adapted and specific to the isolation of each person”.

They recall having already underlined that this was "lower than those relating to the mask or screening".

Before noting that a “citizen liaison committee” whose formation they had repeatedly recommended, “has not been set up at the national level”.

Now the government has to approve a new isolation strategy, possibly this Friday during a new Defense Council.